Ok, so I'm back in Australia and fully caught up, and just wanted to drop a line to say it was great seeing some of you guys again, including the odd new person. As business trips go, this was one of the better ones. Some particular comments:
Hec and JZ, the penguin ice cube maker is a great hit! Thanks again. Matilda makes an adorable pumpkin.
Juliana, I found that games store. Sorry to say, they didn't have the game I was looking for, but they have a good selection. Susan, try out Ticket to Ride sometime, I've found it's popular even among non-gamers.
vw bug wins the award for person who travelled the greatest distance to see me, aside from, well, me.
Seattleistas! Um, that's it, really. But I had a great time (including mearaing Ikea), and let me know if Lilybean starts pointing at Ple and noting that "She taught me how to Walk this Way". Oh, and I did find the game I was looking for in Seattle, and for a discount price too. It would've cost $90 back home, I got it for $30. And, I was right, Wallybee likes it. We've only done it two-player so far. I did have a game with ND and Kristin too.
LA was a blast. Thanks ND and Kristin for taking time out of your insane schedule to accommodate me, not to mention returning me to the airport. Incidentally, my flight did indeed leave from Tom Bradley International, it seems T4 just does flights to Sydney. And I met o_a! (At ND and Kristin's place, not the airport.)
So, I had a great time, and, um, tag, America, you're it.