Ima call it a mipiphany.
This? Is adorable. I heart it.
meara, keep going with the Craigslist dates. I've had a lot of chemistry-less online dates - nature of the beast - but then, one day, the chemistry might finally be there. I have gotten pretty good about going into them with no expectations, which means I can have fun even when the chemistry isn't sparking.
Fay... same advice. If there's no chemistry, there's no chemistry! The other will usually know that too, so there's unlikely to be conflict about it. And if there is chemistry then... yeah. Plus, his e-mail was cute. So cute.
In my own dating news, I responded to three Craigslist ads today, but haven't gotten any responses yet. On the other hand, I did have a first date with a girl I randomly met at a party last week... and it actually went well. Maybe the first time I've ever met somebody randomly at a party and then proceeded to have a fairly successful date with. Though I guess she's a friend of a friend, so intellectual pedigree is assured, at least.
It is WAY past my bedtime.
Except, perhaps, the uber drama that always seems to be going on. But she's verra stylish.
Hah! There is no escaping the drama, when there are dykes about!
Heck, I know how many people in town? And there is drama! (OK, mostly in my own imagination, but still! It gives me something to email my friend J about and complain about girls)
I had fig newtons for dinner on Friday! ...that's why two beers later I was a clumsy beer-spilling mess! I recommend more food than fig newtons, if beer is involved and hotness is on the line...
Maybe the first time I've ever met somebody randomly at a party and then proceeded to have a fairly successful date with. Though I guess she's a friend of a friend, so intellectual pedigree is assured, at least.
Really? Do you more commonly have good dates with people you HAVEN"T met, or just not met at a *party*? I mean...most of my good dates/girlfriends have started as friend-of-a-friend. I've got hot fun friends, they've got hot fun works out.
And yeah, I wasn't really expecting greatness from the date (or from the ad in general), but I was kinda sad. Mostly because he really was very cute and nice. If he'd been boring or ugly, meh. But cute and nice! And...meh. Ah well. We will probably see each other around (the dangers of a small community), so just as well it was decent, but...
I recommend more food than fig newtons, if beer is involved and hotness is on the line...
This is why I drink wine.
(See? See? I rhymed. Yes.)
There is no escaping the drama, when there are dykes about!
So much word. But they're so hot, too!!
just finished eating pizza. TJ's lil round frozen jobbers. Then, as I was sitting back on the couch, I pouted. No more snacks in the house, since all ran out before the trip. While waiting for Pizza's to cook, I check the snack cabinet, and lo & behold!! A bag of peanuts!! Woot! Protein.
I feel like I have a family dinner every night.
This! So! MUCH! (see earlier post)
I have no dating news.
I'm trying to decide what I want to do for my birthday. Dinner out somewhere with friends, because my apartment really isnt' big enough for a party here. Just need to decide where. And if I want to combine different groups of friends, or do separate smaller things.
Hey, meara!
Hot kinda butch chick seen working at the Cap Hill TJs. Her name's Alex. She approves of the crack-like holiday Oreo knockoffs that are going to send me back into a 12.
Cute dress, Trudy!
I went to Lane Bryant today and got fitted for the new extra-special fit jeans. This consisted of me saying to the saleslady, "You know I'm pretty sure I'm a Yellow, but I don't understand how the numbers correspond to regular sizes." She then made me take of my jacket and patted my waist, hips, and thighs (she had the sort of assertive and vaguely maternal personality that made this totally non-intrusive) before decreeing me probably a Yellow, but possibly a Red. I'm now wearing a pair of 2 Yellow Regulars, which sounds vaguely like some cult or spy code, but it's a damn comfy pair of jeans.
Drawbacks to having a non-whiskey serving bar below me (and I mean directly below me): The third time in a night they play Kelly Clarkson, I can't storm down there and demand a shot on the house in recompense for emotional damages.