Its like a Benetton Ad of hotties.
Ooh, that does sound hot.
I just went on my first Craigslist date! And...meh. I mean, he (he's FTM) was very very nice. And decently cute. Was there any spark? Not really. Sigh. (It would've been so convenient if I had! Er, assuming he also had. Way more convenient than having a thing for a grandparent who is not into me!!)
Though the fact that there are certain boys I'm much MORE interested in kissing than others makes me wonder a bit.
Well, clearly that's because some boys are really hot. Even if you're not generally into boys. IJS.
Yay for having a good party, Gris! It sounds like good times.
BIG HUGS to Drew, because it sounds like he could use them. When he DOES get a vacation, he should come visit Seattle. Where I have already met people who own utilikilts. Cause they're all about that here.
Because 2 years ago, I would have said the same thing.... (winky emoticon would go here if I didn't abhor emoticons)
Hah! OK, if I were dating an FTM guy who was into skirts and eyeliner, maybe...I could be down with that. Girly girls, no. Doubt I'd ever be into that.
meara, I wish you could meet my friend, Angie. Too bad she's living in Switzerland right now.
Heh. Yes, even less use to me than those umfriends of mine back in DC!
For women, my type would be women like Karina Lombard, Christina Cox, or Samantha Ferris. Where do they fall in classification?
I believe (other than Christina Cox when she has SHORT hair, because then she's kinda butch, like in Better than Chocolate) I would call those women "kinda dykey". It could be the looks or the personality, but htey definitely ping the gaydar. And I definitely like THAT in a girl...
I am Too Femme for meara. But I would make out with her! ;)
Hee. No one is too femme for me to make out with! Just to sleep with or date.
See, but what if we don't like/fancy each other? But I realise that not meeting someone on this basis is stupid.
Fay! Go have ice cream!
So, what would you say to an icecream? Other than "Hello, icecream. I regret that our acquaintance is to be so fleeting."
This is ADORABLE. Reward him with a date!
Don't do it, Fay! Online dating never works out!
Says the man who married a woman from the internet. Clealry he is not to be trusted.
What do you SAY to someone when you're responding to their personal ad???? Especially when, odds are, you know them or know someone who knows them
...this is why I didn't answer lesbian personals in DC?
Fay, I'm so glad you emailed him back. I find that invite charming as hell.
Don't do it, Fay! Online dating never works out!
Oh, but there is this. Never date someone you met online originally. It can only end in tears.
t runs away
BIG HUGS to Drew, because it sounds like he could use them. When he DOES get a vacation, he should come visit Seattle. Where I have already met people who own utilikilts. Cause they're all about that here.
Can I come too? Miss my Seattle peeps, and now you're one of them!
Sorry there wasn't a spark, meara. Will cross fingers that a sparky boi appears soon!
Of course you can come! You are invited separately OR together! Either way! Hugs and kisses and sunshine all around.
(Um, I might've had two beers with dinner and be a little effusive at the moment...)
Sigh. There IS someone in Seattle I'm all sparky-chemistry with, but it's the GILF. Who is being annoying and bizarre (and replied to my email today in a VERY confusing manner...) SIGH
Sparky chemistry and confusion are not too great tastes that taste great together, and yet they are often found entwined in nature. It's a conundrum.
(Um, I might've had two beers with dinner and be a little effusive at the moment...)
I just had a mini-epiphany, I think. Ima call it a mipiphany. I've realized that this chatting we do most nights reminds me of the way families or roommates relax together after dinner.
How was your day
That girl didn't call me back yet
and everything else. It's just nice. I feel like I have a family dinner every night.
Aww! That's so true! And adorable! And so much less fraught with undercurrents and unsaid criticisms than when I do that with my actual family...
I feel like I have a family dinner every night.
Awww. That's kinda awesome.
So, my dinner consists of chips, fig newtons, and white wine. I got yer family cookin', right here.
meara, there are two hella cute dykey girls that have moved in to the nabe recently, and I know at least one of them would be just your type. Except, perhaps, the uber drama that always seems to be going on. But she's verra stylish.
We are waiting for our pizza to be delivered.
for dinner we had warmed over pasta with foaccia bread that was pretty awesome. And champagne. Possibly too much champagne. Now I'm heating up a crumpet to have with some of that trader joes pumpkin butter which is every bit as delicious as described here previously.
Ima call it a mipiphany.
This? Is adorable. I heart it.
meara, keep going with the Craigslist dates. I've had a lot of chemistry-less online dates - nature of the beast - but then, one day, the chemistry might finally be there. I have gotten pretty good about going into them with no expectations, which means I can have fun even when the chemistry isn't sparking.
Fay... same advice. If there's no chemistry, there's no chemistry! The other will usually know that too, so there's unlikely to be conflict about it. And if there is chemistry then... yeah. Plus, his e-mail was cute. So cute.
In my own dating news, I responded to three Craigslist ads today, but haven't gotten any responses yet. On the other hand, I did have a first date with a girl I randomly met at a party last week... and it actually went well. Maybe the first time I've ever met somebody randomly at a party and then proceeded to have a fairly successful date with. Though I guess she's a friend of a friend, so intellectual pedigree is assured, at least.
It is WAY past my bedtime.