I have to share the bizarre that is my school. The Parent Association threw a lovely luncheon for the teachers today as a thank you. It was wonderful--apparently one of the parents is a florist and another a caterer--but had one very odd quirk.
Dove. Live dove in a birdcage artfully placed in the middle of the desserts. Um. If I come down with avian flu, blame the cupcake.
Umm... I'm... glad it was in a cage?
that is a good man.
Kristin I think you could look cute with black har.
The dove in the birdcage represents the students, whose spirits are shackled by the stifling environment of the school...
No wait, that can't be it.
Happy Birthday, Jessica!
Oh, Stephanie, SO frustrating! I hope it's ready soon. I know what a challenge this has been for you.
Kristin, that's a little bizarre. Lovely, I'm sure, but bizarre all the same
Yay Suzi DH!
It's been pretty quiet in here today. I was expecting to have major catching up to do. Is everyone off playing? Or is there a kerfuffle somewhere else?
I had a lovely day trying to finish up some crafty WIPs with a good friend. Just came home to TWO e-mails from panicked students wanting to meet with me on Wednesday. Unfortunately, I can't. And I know these guys are only on campus on MWF due to distance, so I can't see them this week. And next week I'm gone all week. I feel badly, but guys, you can't take two weeks to respond to my e-mails and expect me to drop everything to meet with you.
I used to not be attracted to blond men at all. But having successfully married a dark-haired man, I find myself more drawn to blonds than I ever was when I was single. See under "Long-Running Crush on Sean Bean."
Or is there a kerfuffle somewhere else?
No flulffle, just hashing things out in LightBulbs.
I don't know about the rest of the internets.
No flulffle, just hashing things out in LightBulbs.
Yeah, just caught up in there. Too tired to add anything constructive.
I for one am glad it's a slow posting day. Yes, very selfish, but, I am caught up. Very sad, that the night there is a flurry of west coast activity, I'm on the east coast sleeping. Yes, cat naps didn't work, I did the full on sleep. Go figure, when I want to sleep, I can't, when I want to nap, I fall into deep sleep. Pffft. Damn shame too, I missed kissing! Loves it. Tho, must confess, as a straight male, I've never made out with a guy. Sorry, so vanilla. What can I say.
ION, in case you haven't guessed, I am safe and sound from my travels. Drove into Orlando Airport starting at 4am. Flew across the country with no excitement (in a good way), landed early. Mom and I had a final brunch before seeing her off. And I just did a little snoozing, which I expect to do all night. Despite trying to catch up on last weeks TV, I think the TV will stay off a bit more.
ND, this week is just office hours. Let me know if you could use a hand or two. Mark's schedule is light too, just shows. I'm happy to share if it helps.
Pete? Did I misunderstand a post earlier? Will you be down this way soon?