Gronklies, people.
Forgot to get some 12 hour sudafed yesterday and I use it to keep my air passages working better overnight. Without it? Wake up with sinus headache. Blecch.
This headline:
Clinton and Obama Duel Before Iowa Democrats
Brought me to a Harry Potter place, then to a Sylar and Peter in Heroes place.
Cook's Illustrated did a whole wheat pasta taste test a while back - I think they liked Ronzoni. Westbrae, I've noticed, usually places in the bottom of the pack no matter what product they're testing.
I like Boca burgers. And Boca sausages. Mmmm. Boca boca boca.
Don't like that protein pasta stuff. Too much going on for me.
Time to go buy some paint. Today, I am learning from yesterday's mistakes and tying my hair up in a pony tail. I don't think I ever did dip in into an open paint can, but it was a near thing often enough.
Happy Veteran's/Armistice/Remembrance Day
I put a showercap on my hair when painting. It looks dorky, but y'all know about my lack of coordination. It's either that or light blue hair.
I was considering that, Ginger. I have an awful lot of hair, though, getting it all to stay in a shower cap for the duration of a shower is hard enough - I don't know if I can do all day.
Girls suck.
Some girls. Some boys suck, too. And don't forget the ever important lesson - sex is bad.
I didn't have sex last night, but I did have alcohol. Alcohol is also bad. I have the mother of all hangover headaches this morning. If the entire right side of my head would just hurry up and explode already, I would be most appreciative.
Is marijuana also bad? What about pumpkin pie? I must know!
Did Joss ever touch on the evils of marijuana? I can't recall.
I think the lesson I learned about pumpkin pie was that in order to eat it, first there must be suffering. You have to earn the pie. The pie itself wasn't bad though.
This is what happens when I wake up to Buffy on the FX channel.
The excedrin is finally kicking in. Bless.
My mom is here to see our new house, but the poor thing was sick all night. We think she picked some sort of gastro bug on the plane. Not good for a 79-year-old. She is resting now and I hope she'll be feeling better soon. ETA-- pumpkin pie, yum.