Cass, you deserve much better than an abusive futon. You deserve a comfy couch that treats you right.
Sleep well, Nicole.
TCG and I went out for a yummy dinner with Mom and Stepdad to celebrate Mom's birthday tonight. I had paella. It was so good. On the menu it said it was a shellfish paella, but I was still pleasantly surprised to find half of a lobster tail on my plate when it arrived. The lobster's gone, but there is still plenty of paella left for dinner tomorrow.
Knee~ma to the DH
and go you with the not arguing, Omnis.
I've been doing the exact same thing.
Pull up a rocking chair, Kristin. Maybe someone will bring us a nice cup of tea.
the futon needs to understand that when you take off the collar the game stops.
Wait a minute... Is Cass wearing the collar or is the futon wearing the collar?
Not that it matters since I'm already picturing Cass in a collar. I'll be in my bunk. Night!
Much knees and back ~ma to Beverly, and DH and StY.
great, nicole is in her bunk
and now
Pull up a rocking chair, Kristin. Maybe someone will bring us a nice cup of tea.
Damn you, wee Nicole!
t goes to get tea
Not that it matters since I'm already picturing Cass in a collar. I'll be in my bunk.
Guh. Ditto.
If someone wants to wear THIS [link] as a halloween costume that would rawk
Waitaminute how many squirrels are in that picture?