Both knees??!!? Yikes. Ow. Can bed pan implements be used to reduce the pain of getting up to go? I realize pride factors in. But it could reduce pain and strained backs on everyone else. Either way, knee~ma your DH way.
So tonight I didn't bite & counter argue with the rest of the family. I just scanned the Internet while listening and rolling my eyes. And, it seems my blood pressure was for the better. Tomorrow is the big party. We'll see how that goes. I think mostly I'll be trying to help my sister keep things flowing with food and drinks and stuff, so BIL can be social and tell war stories and why not.
Cass, you deserve much better than an abusive futon. You deserve a comfy couch that treats you right.
Sleep well, Nicole.
TCG and I went out for a yummy dinner with Mom and Stepdad to celebrate Mom's birthday tonight. I had paella. It was so good. On the menu it said it was a shellfish paella, but I was still pleasantly surprised to find half of a lobster tail on my plate when it arrived. The lobster's gone, but there is still plenty of paella left for dinner tomorrow.
Knee~ma to the DH
and go you with the not arguing, Omnis.
I've been doing the exact same thing.
Pull up a rocking chair, Kristin. Maybe someone will bring us a nice cup of tea.
the futon needs to understand that when you take off the collar the game stops.
Wait a minute... Is Cass wearing the collar or is the futon wearing the collar?
Not that it matters since I'm already picturing Cass in a collar. I'll be in my bunk. Night!
Much knees and back ~ma to Beverly, and DH and StY.
great, nicole is in her bunk
and now
Pull up a rocking chair, Kristin. Maybe someone will bring us a nice cup of tea.
Damn you, wee Nicole!
t goes to get tea
Not that it matters since I'm already picturing Cass in a collar. I'll be in my bunk.
Guh. Ditto.
If someone wants to wear THIS [link] as a halloween costume that would rawk
Waitaminute how many squirrels are in that picture?