How goes the transition?
Remarkably well, now that the painters are gone and our cable in connected and our internet is up.
Welcome back to the real world, Cashmere.
I've felt surreal for a long time now. You guys are like a touchstone for me!
Poor little bean, Dylan!
As soon as I can dig out my usb cable, I'll have pictures of the kids and the house.
Congrats, Cash!
We just found out that our phones will not be hooked up until the 16th. And no phones, no TV, since we have satellite. 16 days to get phone service seems a bit LONG to me.
Hubby just handed me a Christmas snow globe from his mother's stuff that we have. A few minutes later he stuck his head in and said, "But are we really simply having a wonderful Christmas time?" It's the first Christmas earworm of the season. Yup, it's that time again.
I'm pleasantly surprised to discover that what began as a conceit has recently become a useful job skill. Our new film scheduling program only knows the 24 hour clock. I seem to be the only person here who can do the conversions (for instance 1pm is 13) in my head. Yay for me being all silly with the 24 hour clock paying off after all these years.
16 days to get phone service seems a bit LONG to me.
Maybe if you didn't live in such an isolated backwater....oh, wait.
Nah, I got nuthin'.
Isn't there some law about access to emergency services?
I KNOW! And the DH is a freelance writer, who needs to be accessible for work. Something is wrong with the line from the box on the street to our junction box, so they have to rewire. That needs a crew and they tell us one isn't available until then. I hope it's because they are helping people who have been in the fires, which would make it okay to wait, but this runaround started before the fires so I don't think so.
...I sound utterly ridiculous, don't I? Yes, I do. But, but, but - this whole Putting-Oneself-Out-There thing isn't an area in which I excel. I'm more talented in the Stay-Indoors-With-Cat area.
Heh. I know exactly the feeling, Fay! Good luck, I like the sound of the guy! I agonized and worried over what to write in my ad on Craigslist....but even worse was getting the responses!!
Which...I've had a few now, and one seems promising. And one other I'm meeting just for a game of scrabble. There are one or two others that I'll probably email a few more times and angle for a coffee, we haven't seen pics so who knows.
And then the GILF emailed me!! eeeeep! On the one hand, I'm like "You're a grandmother. And took like, a week and a half to email me back" On the other hand, grandmother I'd like
Needless to say, seeing htat email in my inbox (and she also left a voicmail. And it's a super cute email) made my heart rate speed right up. :)
DH took D to the doctor this morning and we just found out he has asthma. Welcome to my day.
Asthma? He's just a baby!! Good lord.
Sometimes I think my life would be easier if I were. I know so MANY amazing bi/lesbian women. But then, the question would be if they were into me . . .
Heh. And you're awesome and hot, but of course, life would find a way to make things too complicated.
Something is wrong with the line from the box on the street to our junction box, so they have to rewire
Oh, wow, that sucks. If it was just scheduling a switch to be flipped, but good grief...