...I sound utterly ridiculous, don't I? Yes, I do. But, but, but - this whole Putting-Oneself-Out-There thing isn't an area in which I excel. I'm more talented in the Stay-Indoors-With-Cat area.
Heh. I know exactly the feeling, Fay! Good luck, I like the sound of the guy! I agonized and worried over what to write in my ad on Craigslist....but even worse was getting the responses!!
Which...I've had a few now, and one seems promising. And one other I'm meeting just for a game of scrabble. There are one or two others that I'll probably email a few more times and angle for a coffee, we haven't seen pics so who knows.
And then the GILF emailed me!! eeeeep! On the one hand, I'm like "You're a grandmother. And took like, a week and a half to email me back" On the other hand, grandmother I'd like to....so....
Needless to say, seeing htat email in my inbox (and she also left a voicmail. And it's a super cute email) made my heart rate speed right up. :)
DH took D to the doctor this morning and we just found out he has asthma. Welcome to my day.
Asthma? He's just a baby!! Good lord.
Sometimes I think my life would be easier if I were. I know so MANY amazing bi/lesbian women. But then, the question would be if they were into me . . .
Heh. And you're awesome and hot, but of course, life would find a way to make things too complicated.
Something is wrong with the line from the box on the street to our junction box, so they have to rewire
Oh, wow, that sucks. If it was just scheduling a switch to be flipped, but good grief...
If I was online dating and got to meet either Meara or Fay, I'd count myself EXTREMELY lucky.
Btw, meara there was this totally hot and cute dyke on What Not To Wear the other day, and she's a firefighter with buff arms and she's in Seattle.
You should date her.
Sweet! And now she looks good too, yeah? Heh. Maybe I'll just go troll some firehouses?
There's a hot firefighter on the "Shot At Love With Tila Tequila" show too. Dang. Where do they hang out, I need to meet them!
Sorry about D's uncooperative respiratory system, Jessica.
Yay for hearing something good for a change, Susan.
I think there was a bunch of other stuff I wanted to comment on, but my brainspace is being taken up by fighting some black thoughts. won't let 'em leak out onto y'all, but... yeah... not as here as I would like to be.
Sweet! And now she looks good too, yeah? Heh. Maybe I'll just go troll some firehouses?
She was pretty cute before. She's just better dressed now. Her name is Chris. Nice, nice arms. She likes to play bocce ball. Where does one do that in Seattle?
sometimes I think we're having an earthquale until I realize the dog is thwapping the floor with her foot while she scratches.
Whew. Finally got a few moments. Safe and sound in fla. Ive had 3 hours of sleep in the past 24. Here i am in bed, tired, but not sleepy. Not fair i say. Speaking of Buffista words, my sister was saying "what kind of word is that?" to something i said. Forget what, but i'm sure it came from here.
Fay, good luck, tho i must confess, a bit jealous ;)
ND no i didn't have to go thru security again. Thank god! Oy vey, what a PITA!
Go Laga with 24 hour time!!! Nice to know I'm not the only one.
There was more, but I can't open tabs and copy/paste. Sorry. Also please forgive poor typing.
Night Bitches!
Mmmm...bath...and maybe tea...
Screw that....long hot bath and chocolate. Preferably in multiple forms.
My current object of adoration is trader joe's dark chocolate almonds sprinkled with sea salt and turbinado sugar. *drool* Not to mention the seasonal candy cane joe joes. I'll be amazed if my new larger jeans still fit come january.