My favorite fog memory is from when I was working at Mt. Diablo State Park. There's a gift shop at the summit and I was stationed up there one day when the fog rolled in so thick I couldn't see 10 feet across the parking lot, just white everywhere. The rest of the world may as well have ceased to exist. Fantastic.
Not so much fun when it was time to drive home, but a ranger led me down to the gates and we certainly didn't have to worry about other traffic.
OMG! One of the corporate mucky mucks, who I have been trying to connect with, will be here the few days before Thanksgiving. He wants to meet with me. To talk about integrating me into his group!
Deep breath. OMG. PLEASE, please, please, please let this work into something good.
My favorite fog memory was when my mom, sister, and I were out in Maine back in 1982, and we decided to head over to Quaddy Head State Park (the easternmost point of the US), just to say we'd been there. Well, it was an exceedingly foggy day, so there was no one at the park and we had the beach to ourselves. We strolled along it, not able to see clearly ten feet past our noses, and it was the most evocative, spooky-yet-cool place I've ever seen (or not seen). There was an outcropping of rock not too far out in the ocean that apparently had seals/sea lions on it, because we could hear them barking and could see the vague outline of rock, but couldn't see them at all.
Good luck, Suzi!
I'm always surprised when I run into such blatant crap, Robin. WTF is wrong with people?
That sounds really cool, Kathy.
Robin, your DH rocks like a rocking thing in rock sauce.
Robin, your DH rocks like a rocking thing in rock sauce.
This. SO insane. I don't understand people. Really.
Suzi, that's wonderful news! I hope something wonderful comes of it!
Dude then said "You know how they are, with the whole 'My people were in the Holocaust' excuse for everything."
I don't suppose we could create a camp for people like this.
Dude then said "You know how they are, with the whole 'My people were in the Holocaust' excuse for everything."
And he's not very good at being a bigot either. I mean, what sort of "everything" that might involve work? The guy is late for an appointment and he starts talking about Dachau? Accuse him of running the world or something, show a little spunk.
I'm currently on hold with hell, waiting for one of the Devil's representatives to assist me.