Dude then said "You know how they are, with the whole 'My people were in the Holocaust' excuse for everything."
And he's not very good at being a bigot either. I mean, what sort of "everything" that might involve work? The guy is late for an appointment and he starts talking about Dachau? Accuse him of running the world or something, show a little spunk.
I'm currently on hold with hell, waiting for one of the Devil's representatives to assist me.
"We Built This City" by Jefferson Starship?
Actually, it's so quiet that I can only hear it intermittently. It's actually a little disappointing. I expected something good.
What's the hold music?
It's a Small World After All?
megan is MEAN!
You have no idea how traumatized I was by that ride! (not really, but we were stuck on it for four hours, and no, they didn't stop the little people of the world from singing.)
"We Built This City" by Jefferson Starship?
I like that song. THAT'S RIGHT, I SAID IT.
It's catchy as hell to be sure.
Well, shit. Hell disconnected me. I'm going to have to go to their headquarters.