I hate my teacher. I have very little respect for her. I made a B on my test, but on the notes she made available she had 2 pieces of information wrong, both of which were on the test. So a number of people got the answers wrong.
One was pointed out to her and there was some discussion about the other, and after she's taken back all the tests she says, "Usually when I make a mistake on the test I give extra points for staying and extra points for the questions wrong. But because of the attitude from some people I'm only giving 2 extra points. For those two questions if you would have gotten them right you won't get credit." (We get 2 extra points if we stay after the test for the 2nd part of the class.)
Plus the test had a question with 2 key words left out.
Everyone in the class (pretty much) said her tests are by far the hardest because of the typos and poorly worded questions.
askye, that's terrible. Is there a department head or someone you can go talk to about it?
Probably, I'd have to figure out who it was though.
Just call the department office and ask. Or, look on their website.
askye, definitely track down the prof's supervisor. That's ridiculous.
Suck! How friendly are you with the neighbors?
Alas, landlady (back neighbor) is also having plumbing issues. We suspect a blockage in the main line to the property. There's a plumber coming this morning, in theory. I took a very quick shower and listened to the toliet bubble like it was going to boil over. I was sloshing around in three inches of water in the tub after a few minutes.
Okay, time to teach!
Kristin, I really really hope the plumber comes and fixes the situation quickly!
Life in the Bay Area...
CJ to his dad: If the fog gets any thicker, will they cancel school?
When I lived in Monterey, we lived on a hill and would often get fog that would blow over in little clouds and puffs before settling on us. It was so cool!
Man, I really loved living in California - sea lions and sea otters every morning, the awesome trees along the beach walk, amazing farmer's market right there.
Too bad it was so damn expensive!!
The DH is off at a track day with a lot of automotive journalists. He was in a car on the track yesterday with a guy who said "I see you have to work with Aaron." DH opined he considered Aaron a friend and it was "get to" rather than "have to." The guy then said "Yeah, but you have to get past the whole 50 years of oppression thing, you know?" The DH said he DIDN'T know and asked for more explanation. If the guy had any sense at this point, he would have stopped talking, but he didn't. Dude then said "You know how they are, with the whole 'My people were in the Holocaust' excuse for everything." The DH responded with "Shut the fuck up right now." They then proceeded to drive the entire course in silence.
Rampant anti-semitism--I was shocked by this. I don't why it is, but I expect writers of all people, to be more open-minded.
My favorite fog memory is from when I was working at Mt. Diablo State Park. There's a gift shop at the summit and I was stationed up there one day when the fog rolled in so thick I couldn't see 10 feet across the parking lot, just white everywhere. The rest of the world may as well have ceased to exist. Fantastic.
Not so much fun when it was time to drive home, but a ranger led me down to the gates and we certainly didn't have to worry about other traffic.