Thanks, loves. I'll sort it out one way or the other, but I feel like the only way I can get through the semester right now is in HULK SMASH mode at both my job and my incompetent prof, and sustained anger isn't easy or productive for me -- even when it's what keeps me from crawling into a cave and giving up, it's just exhausting and depressing to stay in that mode all the time.
(Brief flashes of rage are so much easier, but there's no degree in that.)
(Suzi, your school~ma is powerful stuff. I'm'a bogart all I can get, if you don't mind. GRADUATE LADY!!!1!~!)
What sucks worse is that if I drop the class I'm most behind in, it'll put off my whole degree by at least year because of the way they've just rejiggered the master course schedule. So it's that, or I drop the class I'm mostly caught up in and scramble at the one I already owe several assignments in, because there's no way I can do both and not, you know, die or get fired.
Oh, blargh. Those are the worst kinds of decisions.
Here, have some chocolate shoes.
Both of those videos are MADE OF WIN.
::hugs amych tight::
Oh, amych. Decision~ma and school~ma.
I love love love love love Pachelbel's bedtime. The other one is good to, but that one makes me all... paternal. And the ending is beautiful.
It was, wasn't it, Gris? Had a definite "aw" factor.
I have to work from home tomorrow (on my day off) but it's only for two hours (an online harassment review) and I get paid so, yay. I hope my roommate has to work so I can do the course naked.
At the very worst I'll have to wear my robe.
Annabel story: When I picked her up at daycare, she commented on how dark it was as I was putting her in her seat, and I gave the usual spiel about how we just changed the time and days are getting shorter anyway because it's almost winter. She then said something like, "There are monsters out here." I thought, "Oh, no, my kid is afraid of monsters!" and said something about how I didn't think there was any such thing as monsters really, and even if there were, they could just as well be nice monsters. She gave me one of her patented Looks, and said, "It's OK, Mommy. I can fight them."
That's my daughter.