apparently my company has a new "Blogging" policy. So, for past and future reference, any views about my workplace are mine, and mine alone and that they do not reflect the views of my workplace, or any of its donors.
:: rolls eyes ::
ETA: so we had to sign a form saying "yes I read the new employee handbook". There were three lines. One labeled DATE, another labeled SIGNATURE, and the other not labeled. So I signed and dated it. I assume that third line your supposed to write your name... but I didn't. and since I hung out in doctors offices far too much as a kid... ya. good luck reading that signature. Passive-aggressive? me? NO.
for the Mom's out there:
for the Mom's out there: [link]
That right there is pure genius. Thanks omnis.
::toddles off to email every mom I know::
Bwah! Saves me a bunch of time. Imma play it for the boys, daily.
The link doesn't work for me, but I think I've seen it on YouTube before. Sung to the tune of the William Tell Overture?
[eta: Yep, looks like the same performance. Love her!
Pachabel's Bedtime is another good one, for all the dads.]
Yes, Jess. Makes me a bit embarrassed to fall into the same trap as all the moms before me. And yet.
My lunch is a very nutritious melange of buttered popcorn and parmesan goldfish. Mountain Dew on the side.
I'm having a crap semester at school, thanks largely to the worst teaching I've ever encountered at any level (and I've done all the levels), and a really really out-of-normal-range BUSY semester at work, which leads to being even further behind at school, and now I'm looking at dropping one of my two classes. Which sucks.
What sucks worse is that if I drop the class I'm most behind in, it'll put off my whole degree by at least year because of the way they've just rejiggered the master course schedule. So it's that, or I drop the class I'm mostly caught up in and scramble at the one I already owe several assignments in, because there's no way I can do both and not, you know, die or get fired.
Also, the whole FUCKING THE FUCK UP ACADEMICALLY YET AGAIN problem, which has me in a quivering heap.