Arizona, once again, has nothing to add besides fucked-up shit like "Muggy-own" and "Cassa-grand" Whatever.
Dontcha just love it when Midwesterners shove those "a"s right through their noses?
Sleep well, Laura. Here's hoping tomorrow really is better.
The local California girl next to me says "let me fix you a drink" doesn't sound strange to her at all.
Excellent. Now I need some Canadians to weigh in and tell me whether it (still) sounds weird to them.
To me, "fix a meal" or "fix a drink" sounds a little old-fashioned, but not weird.
I've been trying to quit using "gonna" and "oughta." A lot of the math department is foreign-born, and I always get blank looks when I use one of those.
try saying, "yeah, but" in front of a Russian. I'm not sure what it means but from the snickers it's clearly something dirty.
I'm more likely to offer to fix someone a drink than to fix them some dinner.
No fire tonight. I count that as a win. I think I'll go to bed now.
I thought that you said that there wasn't going to be a fire . . .
Ugh. Slept all day, and now having trouble getting to sleep now. Better got to sleep soon, though, because I've got to be up at 9 tomorrow.
I would swear when I lived in Houston, (where you find people from all the world, and all over the South) I met people who used "Y'all" to mean second person singular, and "all Y'all" to mean second person plural. Maybe it is a regional difference? (Not a Houston regional difference, but used that way somewhere?)
eek! My roomie just texted he has $10 to his name and he doesn't come home until Thursday night. I still think broke in Hawaii is better than not in Hawaii at all.
hope he has the plane ticket already to get home.