Man, I'm feeling all vulnerable talking about all of this. I have no idea why given how much I care about the people on this board. Fear of being judged, I guess. Silly Kristin.
piffle. is there a group less judgmental than us? I mean, as long as we aren't talking about grammar, cilantro or muffalettas.
Crazy not serial comma users.
I would like to be poly in an intellectual sense, but am definitely not.
Heh. When I was a teenager I used to think I was poly, but it turns out I was just reading too much Heinlein.
BWAH! Jessica wins.
Someone else has to COMM her, though. I've reached my quota.
Oh no, I just brought that up because of the fact that "bi" is another label people get fuzzy about.
See, I've never understood that, although I know it's true. It just seems so clear to me.
Yay, Susan!
Crazy muffaletta-eaters.
Olive salad bay-bee! I smile a little when I walk past Central Grocery, which I'll do in about 15 minutes.