Juliana, Jilli,
the ensembles.
Hallowe'en sort of passed us by out here, but tomorrow we're having a Hallowe'en party at school. Since I'm up to my neck in report-writing, I haven't really taken this on board - I'm thinking vampire, but pirate is always a tempting option, just for cutlass-brandishing possibilities. Hmm...
Anyway, I'm not here. No, I'm not. Don't look at me! I'm writing reports! So that I can go across town to pick up a couple of things from my tailor (I have a tailor! Took me long enough, but I got around to it in the end - ah, Thailand!) and then hit Siam Paragon, or perhaps Emporium, to see if they have any spooky paraphanalia left. And thence, insh'allah, to the British Club, where the Bangkok Community Theatre are having their monthly club night. Bellydancing - I'll be gutted if I miss it.
We closed yesterday! We own a home! Going on our final walk through was so much fun. We took the kids to the park right behind the house and Liv took a tire swing to the head but she's none the worse for wear.
Mom's staying with us at the hotel and helping with the kids. Things have been going very well.
I'm horribly un-caught-up.
Congratulations Sparky & Sparky DH and Cashmere! (hooray for escrow accounts indeed Sparky!)
It's 7 am, and we woke to the dulcet tunes of "I. Want. Candy!" coming from Iris' (er, spidergirl's) room. Not the song.
Heh. She is a force to be reckoned with.
Congrats, Cashmere. I hope your transition is smooth.
I am so tired. I seem to not get to sleep until 1 am or later, and yet I woke up at 7. Feh.
Thanks for all the congratulations, and yay for you, too, Cashmere!
If I couldn't wake to coffee I might want to wake to candy.
I work today and then sit at the house tomorrow collecting estimates from people to refinish my floors, etc. I wonder if I'll have heat there, since the forcast is for a temp in the 50s.
Happy Birthday Ginger, and congrats to the home-owners!
I think we have created a monster. Em was champion trick or treater last night. Walked up to doors, said "trick or treat!", said "thank you" and then came down to us and said, "Next! More candy!"
This morning, the INSTANT she was awake she said, "Happy Halloween! We go trick or treating? Where's my punkin bag??"
She also kept telling everyone I was a "very bad witch". Glad I had my costume on!