I am home sick with a cold. I'm sick enough to not feel guilty about staying home (I'd planned on taking a half day anyway) but not so sick that I can't enjoy all the American Test Kitchens, No Reservations, Dr. Whos, and Good Eats that we have on the Tivo.
We've had the thing for a week and I don't know how I lived without it.
Ooh, there are some Scrubs and Futurama on too!
I'm trying to avoid busting into the Halloween candy though.
t sits on hands
Whee, sick day!
cough cough wheeze
Happy birthday Daniel!
Happy Reasonversary!
Sparky, how weird! My bank tellers didn't blink twice about cutting ginormous checks for the P&S and the closing.
Awww, thanks for the happy anniversary wishes, everyone! 10 years!
(And yes, it is not a coincidence that our anniversary is on Halloween.)
SpiderIris is very, very cute. And doesn't look like a real spider, so I'm not scared by her in the slightest!
There is NO ONE around today. I'm going to have to start roaming the halls to find people to freak out with my costume.
::waits patiently for photo of Jilli's costume::
(Brenda m is me)
gave your mother paperdol's book
oh, and - it wasn't exactly _gave_. she was babysitting so that we could go out with FredPete & d was also trying to help me explain that they were 'friends of a friend' and we just started laughing and well, you know. She truly hasn't copped the Church Lady face (at least not around me) yet.
I have to find someone to take a photo of me! I'm wearing a black bustle skirt, a black and red underbust corset, a white Victorian-style blouse, and white gloves. The gloves and blouse have been liberally decorated with stage blood, and I have bloody fingermarks streaking down my chin, along with other splatters. And a mini top hat, and my fangs. I think I look awesome.
Maybe everybody is there but they're hiding.
Or they're all costumed as Ninjas....
Nora, isn't TiVo the BEST? You never have to worry about when something is on and setting the VCR and all that stuff ever again!
Jilli that sounds awesome. If you find a photographer, don't chomp them until after they take the pic. And watch out for the Ninjas...