looks around.
I can't believe I'm the first person to post after dinner. Had a wonderful time-- got to spend some time with Sparky1 before dinner, and got to see VW, and several of the Bayistas, and had okay food, and laughed a lot, and then wine came out of Suzi's nose.
Egads, but those pictures dedded me. Completely and utterly dedded. The lime eating vid makes my ovaries ache. Or it would, except I'm ded.
Skipped lot. Am drunk as Malificent. Something tells me that Disney villians dont drink lots.
Oh, drunk Empress! So cute!
Matilda is so friggin' cute! I could eat her.
I love drunk Aims.
Yes, omnis, the o_a was shorthand for, you know,
your board name.
I'm certain that I and others have called you that around here.
Did Mark drop a stage weight on your head today, maybe?
I think Aimee is drunk.
We ate dinner, and then wine came out of Suzi's nose.
Something tells me that Disney villians dont drink lots.
But when they do, this is the glass they ought to use.
Or they could always just use a mug like this.
Sigh. Guys, I'm having a really hard time working tonight. I was so good this morning and tore through the first eight comments so that I could spend the afternoon and evening with my dad (which I did, btw, and it was awesome to see him), but now it's almost 10pm and I've only finished one more. I really need to do another eight before I can go to sleep tonight, and I don't quite know how that's going to happen.
The sugar crash probably isn't helping.