Cash, thanks for the confirmation. I suspected it was benign in nature, but, ya never know.
KT, thanks. All in all, it wasn't a bad fall. Just haven't done it in awhile, especially one where red stuff escaped. It's just sucky that the face has to get road rashed as I'm trying to woo cute new gal in graphics. The under nose looks like a lil faint scrape. Under eye will probably be more of a minor shiner than anything. the over eye is the big scrape. The band-aid is right on the eyebrow. Must. Pull. Slowly. to avoid strange new look.
the straight brother of one of the gay boys who said that he always liked hanging out with his brothers friends because there was always a straight girl or two around that he could hook up with
Heh. Yeah, I made out with him. We were doing tequila shots in the kitchen. :)
OK, I'm officially coming out as a military history geek at work. Soon this guy [link] and this guy [link] will be standing guard on my desk at the office.
the LA times Sudoku was rated at 5 stars. I did it in about 15 minutes. It wasn't easy, per se, but it didn't last me as long as I was hoping. Still not tired.
Mmm me either... gonna try to hit the sack though
was hoping it would last thru This American Life #110 Mapping. Pod casting. This one on mapping. I'm a bit in love with maps (please don't look in my center console in the car!... or hear me complain in Halo how it doesn't have the map like Marathon did). So. Like. I can't go to bed until it's done.
Good luck, Cashmere!
So, my body? Not adjusting to the time change :). Oh, well. Timelies!
Logged into my work e-mail to check on my programming crisis and while I have the attention of some key people, we have discovered that the problem is much worse that I had realized.
I don't wanna go to work today, even if I'm just putting in a partial day.
Oh, Suzi, that is so sucky. I'm so sorry.
Cash, good luck with the move! Hope all goes as smoothly as possible.
Finally, I was gone for a long time, and apparently missed whatever caused Cindy not to be around.
I really miss her too. I remember she said she was taking a break from the Internet, but I don't remember her giving any particular reason.