If so, you've got plenty of company. I'm remembering Stephanie's Ellie and the ladybug debacle, in particular.
We were just laughing at that picture last night - you feel bad and yet it's hard not to laugh. It's here in case anyone is curious.
Also, thanks for the shoe advice. I'm wearing tennis shoes today - hopefully it will help.
eta: And Matilda and Emmett are always so cute together!
The Elliebug picture is still adorable.
Do I try to grab an extra half-hour of sleep before class, or take the half hour to go get a bagel and some coffee?
God, I'm awake. Good thing I don't have projectile weapons with which to go on a rampage.
I don't have projectile weapons with which to go on a rampage.
marks post for Seekrit Santa, just in case
Pirate!Emmett with his MatildaPumpkin is the sweetest thing ever.
But Noah The Angry Peapod is a very close second.
And for empirical proof that pissed-off crying babies are hilarious, I give you, once again, Babies Eating Lemons.
I love babies when they fall over, look around to see if anyone's watching, then start crying. So funny.
Ded from cute. Send caffeine, or something.
OMG babies eating lemons!
I have caffeine. It's not helping.
D and I are sharing a cold, only he's handling it better because I gave him my humidifier last week to help him sleep without coughing. Also he's a baby and is allowed to nap whenever he wants. And doesn't have a job...
I'm trying to go without cold medicine today, on the theory of just getting it all out, but so far I don't like it! And my trash can is all full of tissues.