Sounds like my dad. Both the experiments and the cleaning up.
Actually, it sounds like my brother even more! He has nearly torched the neighborhood every time Alabama allows fireworks sales and even a few times not. The kids LOVE him. Their parents... well, I dunno. Same parents let their 9 year old roam with a pellet gun.
X-posted from bitches. Jessica Rabbit [link]
That Dad's a good neighbor.
Rick, thanks for the link. A friend who's working on the Cal State nutrition plan hadn't seen it yet and has now emailed it to everyone in their group, so thanks from CA DHS as well.
Dayum, Daisy. You nailed it! Um, can you make me bras?
That's gorgeous, DJ. Smoking.
I am posting from the internet IN MY HOUSE!! Yahoo! We have a connection faster and cheaper than our old one and I am a happy camper. OTH, ATT told us A. our phone would be hooked up today and B. that our number would stay the same. When the tech got here, he found out that we couldn't keep our number. The number people hadn't told the tech people, so we had to get a whole new number which would take 10 days. Luckily, the DH called service and cajoled and threatened, and we are getting our new number hooked up on Friday.
I am glad I got the internets, if only to see how AMAZING DJ looks in her costume! Whoa, Nelly!
I'm still waiting for the cable guy to come in and give me HD cable. He took the cable box with him when he left, so I can't even watch BBC America.
What is it with these guys giving me numbers to call them that aren't their company? Do I call TWC and tell them I haven't heard from him in two days?
Eh. He gets a bit of a reprieve. For today anyway. I am too fucking tired and miserable to be tired and miserable to strangers.
Oh, fuck. I have to call Time Warner to cancel HBO. I keep forgetting, and they wouldn't take my request via email. Annoying!
Yay Robin!!
Robin! Can't wait to visit! So I can drool over everything.