I was thinking the same thing, Theo!
I hate how they put these awards in the middle that no one really cares about. can we get to the good stuff, please? i'm tempted to tape this and watch The 4400, but i know i'll be spoiled for all the winners before i can watch it.
Oh, criminey, there's more singing.
eta I'd rather they sang like men. Men should not be able to sing higher notes than I can.
I was at a fundraiser one time with some of the singers and musicians from Jersey Boys, and man, when one guy bust out the falsetto, it was nuts.
Helen Mirren is looking even younger every time I see her. Is she bathing in the blood of virgins?
I found out there was more Top Gear on Demand. The emmys could hardly compete.
I love watching all the people trying to decide if they can clap for Lewis Black or not.
Helen Mirren is lovely. Lewis Black is funny. I'm going to bed.
If I could tape this, I would definitely be going to bed. Although, what am I going to miss, really? Meh.
Ok, the woman from Cold Case has an OUTSTANDING red dress, which is not only stunning from the front, but has all those sexy straps on the back.