(his outfit was all just printed on a black shirt)
Those printed ones always annoyed me when I was a kid. I felt they were representations, not costumes -- you might as well carry around a picture of a character as just have it printed on you.
I was a very earnest six year old.
Of course, my family was very earnest about Halloween. We always made our costumes (maaaaaybe bought a piece, like a sword when I was a pirate) and never repeated them.
I used to be able to rattle them off... Hmm...
Batman (my cousin Johnny was Robin -- I was taller. I remind him of this now and then)
Electro Woman (my sister was Dyna Girl)
Raggedy Anne (couldn't get my sister to be Andy)
ET (VERY proud of that one, made it myself and stuffed the head so it wouldn't just be a flat face and be "representational")
Mother Nature (another Trudy Original -- blue sheet in toga form covered in felt autumn leaves)
I'm forgetting the rest. Oy.
Now as an adult I occasionally repeat. Like, last year I was a Panda (white wig, black ears pinned on, baseball shirt, black pants, black on face in appropriate spots) and might break that one out again in the furture since I only got to wear it for an hour.
I don't think I've ever been a vampire. And next year, assuming the weight loss continues apace, I've got my heart set on Jeannie (if I can get a Major Nelson) or Cat Woman. See how those aren't whore-versions of some normal thing (a trend that is getting SO tired) and yet sexy?
Tonight I am a baby sitter, but I'm wearing halloween socks.
Oh! Assuming I see nothing better tonight, here are my awards for this year:
Worst Costume: Whore-form Shirley Temple
Best Costume: Man dressed as hasidic Jew, woman in burqua