Happy Birthday, Daniel!
I e-mailed in sick to work today. I've got a serious headache and a low-grade fever, and it wasn't helped by the cat whining all night long until I finally kicked her out of the bedroom and shut the door behind her. She's still bitching now, and will not be happy when I go back to bed and close the door again. I have to go out and buy her food (the last of it was poured into her dish last night), and get my hair cut later this afternoon, but that's it other than sleep.
Glad tp hear all the SF-istas are all right.
Good night and good luck, everyone!
I choose A.
Also, I'm at work all dressed up. The blond wig is freaking me out, though wigs are not new to me. Strange.
Regarding the earthquake last night. I had gone to the theater in SF and the lights were just coming up to start the play when it hit. You could tell that everyone's first reaction was..."is this part of the play", which quickly switched to "no, this is a real earthquake", which then morphed to "wow, bigger than usual quake", and finally "but they are starting the play, so things must not be too bad".
I held onto my phone figuring K-Bug would text me if anything major was going on in the outside world. She texted me that it was a 5.6, so I had all kinds of "inside information" when I met up with my dad at intermission.
Happy Birthday, Daniel!
I have some October pics with kids in costume.
I hope everybody is okay with the Earthquake and all. I wonder if we'll get a quake here at some point. Well, it wouldn't do more than rattle windows this far out in KC.
My chiropractor was dressed up as Little Bo Peep and his assistants were his sheep. He was a very hairy Bo Peep.
I forgot to squee here last night. My friend Dean was
the guy bartender
in Supernatural this week. Or last week for the USians.
You get extra parental points if your costume complements the kid's.
I live at the corner of trick and treat...seriously, I get 300 kids...and would get more if I stayed 'open' longer.
Every year a family of 4 comes by-all in complimentary costumes. They are the highlight of my candy distribution glee. One year, ghostbusters, the next, the parents were archaeologists and the kidlets were dinosaurs.
I also love the kid who comes by each year dressed as a political statement. I love that boy. Last year he was global warming, the previous year-a Republican page abuser.
This year, I'm setting aside the standbys...Munchkin Mayor or Nun...in favor of huge purple wings and other fairy accessories.
the parents were archaeologists and the kidlets were dinosaurs.
I wouldn't refuse to give them candy, but it'd be damn close.
Archaeologists do not dig up dinosaurs, people! Thanks.
300 kids? Wow. We did it one year and got about 12. Our neighborhood isn't very trick or treat friendly though. It's dark, has no sidewalks, and the houses are sparsely laid out.
This year I'm missing the trick or treaters because I have to be in class. :-(
So today I'm dressing up as a visual design student.