You forgot D: Parents who dress up because they want their own candy stash. I get a couple of those every year.
I never went trick or treating with my parents. It was with my older siblings until I was about 6, and then my friends from the neighborhood and I went on our own.
Good. Then I'm totally dressing up.
Em is going as Sleeping Beauty and I made a Maleficent costume for me.
Although, in the future, I should not hem a dress at 6:30 in the morning. The front of her dress is longer than the back.
I totally support parental costumes! For a party one time when I was little, my mom was Peter Pan, my dad was Nana, and I was Tinkerbell. Fun!
Aimee, I can't think of anything requiring muscle control that should be done at 6:30 in the morning.
I love the whole-family-costume trick or treaters. We don't see many, sadly.
I am dressed in Navy surplus pants, a horizontally striped t-shirt, and a red beret. I am a French sailor. It's a very subtle costume, in that I think people just think I'm eccentric. Oh well. This afternoon, we'll have a witch (thank GOD we avoided princess, I'm not even going to worry about the whole Wicca=Good thing) and a puppy.
Birthday Happies to Daniel!
Bappy Birthday Daniel! (it's a typo, but I'm leaving it.)
Happy anniversary, Reasons!
Happy house day, moving-in people!
I'm not in costume, but my latest pair of big clompy black shoes are big and clompy enough that they're practically Herman Munster shoes. Yay!
I'm wearing a big black dress, and figure I could tell people I'm dressed as a witch minus accessories if anyone asks. Not that they will.
Also, I hate when my files are bad! When I was out sick, the big boss asked my boss for some info, which she asked my minion for. Minion did the best she could, but how was she to know the file named "final" wasn't actually the final version? My bad.