I think it is super cool that these days I can hear about a quake as it happens, and then have people link me to scientific pages about it moments later. Awesome!
I love that something big happens and the collective first instinct is "crap! I gotta get online and post about this!" (Which is exactly what my reaction would be in like circumstances.)
Anyone else watch
? Wasn't the
show w/i a show a total GA thing? I loved that Sean became the "star" and am sad that Christian betrayed Daphne Zuniga but cannot say that I am
From Java's link above:
Location Quality: Excellent
What does that mean, earthquake-wise?
I couldn't tell if it was really quake or someone shaking my car. Looks like it was pretty far from me, I'm kind of surprised I noticed it.
5.6 isn't very big. But that's the longest quake I've been through except the Loma Prieta. I'm very glad it didn't escalate the way the LP did.
We have a big drill at the end of the week. All the EOC people are going to be secretly glad we just had this because it'll help get people to focus on planning, etc.
eta brenda: I think it means that they are very sure of the location of the epicenter. There are lots of drum recorders and sensors and they could triangulate and pin-point it really well. I think.
we went outside and talked to the neighbors first. then we all tried cell phones and they were not working. Tried to call my sister - couldn't get through on the land line. no luck - but email - worked. Her dogs had fun. our cat,looked at us accusingly
Remember, in case of emergency that might tie up cellphone lines with people calling each other, texting is more likely to go through (if, um, your recipient texts. Wouldn't work for my parents, say. Did work when I couldn't get through to friends in Mpls after the bridge)
5.6 was enough - esp since it went on and on and on. of course I am nearer to the epicenter than anyone else. But since my falling down fence didn't get any worse, and nothing fell off the walls, I'll not say too much. with all the talk in the news lately - I had half decicded that we needed to review the earthquake kit this weekend. Umm, now we will.
Whoa. Hope everybody's okay.
Think it's time for early bath and bed for me tonight. I just can't get rid of the tired today. Good thing we didn't end up running cable this afternoon.
Hey, did House have a teaser? I had Breaking News on the earthquake and then title sequence. Did I miss anything?