SERIOUSLY. That seems like a bad thing.
Also, since I'm spamming.... this article: [link]
just reinforces what I've been thinking about randomly praising kids.
The problem with this “rah-rah mentality,'’ as the magazine describes it, is that it can take away the sense of satisfaction that comes from genuine achievement. “Self-esteem is based on real accomplishments,” Robert Brooks, faculty psychologist at Harvard Medical School, told the magazine.
Sure, I know you don't want to make kids feel bad by giving them difficult tasks or texts or by grading them accurately. But honestly, self-esteem is a result of having and executing skills.
I also love the fact that they have a blog called "Cognitive Daily" that is quoted in that article.
One of the things that I am supposed to learn as a coach is to not give praise, particularly generalized praise at all. or if I do praise, I'm supposed to praise effort. I mostly disagree with this, and have been working on saying things like, "I love that lesson idea because it sounds like it will be engaging to most of your students and offers kids at multiple levels a chance at success." It's just more effort to say that than, "Good idea!"
Man, I wish we had Taco Bell here.
What you really need there is Chipotle.
Saw that on the news this morning.
Haven't read further, but from the broadcast, what struck me about how they came up with their results was that they didn't focus on trying to evaluate some nebulous "self-esteem" but showed that the kids in the US (as opposed to Korea) were actually rating themselves as "excellent" at things like math where they clearly weren't.
It says you can dress as a burrito OR a taco, or a salad, or a burrito bowl.
And I would have typed all that, too, only I was too busy drinking my precious bean juice.
I am so not letting pepper near my nostrils. Having tried to cauterise one with vinegar already, I'm all nasal condimented up, thanks.
ita the only thing that has worked reliably for you is drinking the night before, and whatever it is they give you in ER? Does morphine not work?
kids in the US (as opposed to Korea) were actually rating themselves as "excellent" at things like math where they clearly weren't.
Or we could just wait for them to get to college to find out they're not....
I am reminded of the Toothpaste for Dinner guy doing experiments with a Neti Pot. Pretty funny when he moves past water...