That Last Supper almost scares me. I shouldn't be able to see that much.
Oh yeah, and I was wondering where they got a picture that good. Also it was fun because it was like the fake thing they do on TV now with zooming in on pictures that there's no way they could zoom in on and have them resolve any better.
And this is so random, but have I mentioned here that my friend's coworker is apparently dating the Verizon ad guy? He picked him up in a bar having no idea who he was.
Timelies all!
Got back from OVFF today. Am tired. Had fun.
I just had smoked salmon and cream cheese with scallions and tomatoes on rye toast for dinner. YUM. Why did I have it ? because I can't cook for the staff party at the library tomorrow( I am germ woman) , so that's what I decided to bring. and then I said hmmm... that would make a good no fuss dinner
Fuck me. Devi started having the shits again. 3 days after the meds ended. Have to call the vet first thing and see if they want to restart the fucking flagyl (reglan was for the puking.)
Oh & I have to make a meeting at 9:30 where I get to be a moron again.
You know, I'm ok with learning on the job. I've been ok with taking the initiative. I just wish someone gave me some fucking direction, or a crash course or SOMETHING. Instead it's basically " you should know this." Fuck, no one TOLD me anything, how the hell should I know? And why are you surprised I don't? I'm expected to know how to do new job with virtually no guidance. It's pissing me off and my rope getting shorter.
I think I'm having a bad day.
I Know you are. may work people come to their senses and this just be the end of Devi's illness
Oh, sarameg. I'm sorry. That all sounds just lousy.
I'm a big fan of any kind of pouch-like food: pierogis, knishes, dumplings, wontons, Hot Pockets -- you name it.
I am Steph. I love all those things beyond reasonableness. Ooh, and I can make pierogis myself. Which I do in large, large batches which I freeze, because damn they are a lot of work. Not as much work as potstickers, but still. But then I can put whatever I want in them. Potatoes and cheese, ricotta, apple, peach. Nom nom nom.
The Verizon guy is gay? I'm not sure why I feel pleased to know that. Probably because it's none of my damned business.
Ugh, sara. You're dealing with illness and a new job. That's a lot of stress. In a month you'll meet Kat's noodles! Gotta have a focus.
I can't wait for the noodles! Really looking forward to them in my arms. It'd just be better if I wasn't worried about having to board Dev at short notice with meds and I wasn't pissed about the job. Sigh. I guess I'll ask the vet about boarding for Dev tomorrow too. Just in case. Better to have to cancel that than be fucked.