Kona coffee:
That penguin is made of awesome. The SO has been trying to kick Coke (err, the cola, that is) and has taken to buying seltzer to kick up the Hawaiian juices we've been buying. We recycle the plastic bottles, of course, but it's still a lot of generated waste that doesn't have to be.
Ooh, I want one of those seltzer things. And they come in penguin! [link]
Peguin only works with glass bottles, though, and it's way more expensive.
I have a tendency to drop shit, and, well, glass breaks. So no Penguin for me.
Steph, I'll be in your hood next month...Nov. 14th - 18th. Will you be around and not crazy occupied between the moving and the dad and the life and everything? The SO & I would love to see you.
I'll be around, and there will be MUCH crazy with the moving and the cleaning and the glayvin, but I have to take a break some time, and there is NO way I would let you come through my hood and NOT see me! We'll hook up, you betcha. I'm guessing The Boy would love to meet you and talk music (he's an erstwhile drummer).
Awesome. I think the SO would like The Boy.
We recycle the plastic bottles, of course, but it's still a lot of generated waste that doesn't have to be.
That's the biggest part of why I'm going to get the Seltzer Master 2000 (okay, it's not called that, but I want it to be) -- I recycle my plastic 2-liters, but if I don't have to buy them in the first place, it's so much the better.
And my addiction to fizzy water is really quite impressive.
Jess, are we reading the same blogs? Because just last week I read about the seltzer machine, and since I have an addiction to seltzer (I buy 4-5 two-liter bottles a week), I am SO buying one of those machines.
I think I saw it on Cooking For Engineers. (And yes, I'm at least a week behind. I have 1000+ unread on Google Reader, taunting me.)
The Penguin edition is gorgeous, but way too spendy for me. $80 for the basic one pays for itself in 30 bottles compared to seltzer delivery.
(But we'll probably wait until Eli retires anyway. There's just something about getting it in the old-fashioned glass bottles.)
Yeah, the premium on that penguin is kind of extreme. But the basic one is definitely a deal.
Chronotheric Fluxing Capacitron (Steampunk time machine)
A prop to accompany my Halloween 2007 costume, which was a 19th century time traveler.
Very pretty.
The Flik Filosopher is doing some back-blogging on Season 2 of Doctor Who, and she just did the Queen Victoria episode this weekend. In the entry, she mentions the Doctor's fondness for old-timey contraptions and wonders if he's into steampunk. It was the first time I've ever heard that word, and now here it is again!
(Oh, and she's totally convinced that Doctor #10 and Rose did some mattress dancing before that ep.)
Skipping to the end from work to say we have now spent two nights in our new house and (aside from the fact that despite spending hours labeling boxes while packing, we can't find ANYTHING) it's fucking great.
Spent all day yesterday cleaning the old place, including washing all windows inside and out. Nothing like cleaning a place one has been living in to make one realise that one is a pig, P-I-G, pig.
Oh, I wanted to add that our old neighbors were out taking their kids to a party yesterday and their five-year-old was a squid. Awesome. Their three-year-old was the smallest and smiliest Sperm Whale ever.