A Look Back at Jon Stewart's Greatest Gay Moments
There’s a whole lotta gay going on in the brand-spanking-new archive of The Daily Show video clips launched last week by Comedy Central. Ever since 1999, when a relatively unknown political humorist named Jon Stewart took over as anchor and made “fake news” a household word, the anti-gay elements of society have been one of the main targets of his increasingly impassioned, brilliantly funny fake newscasts. So let’s check out the best of the best by looking at the highlights of the last eight years, stopping along the way to note a time or two The Daily Show really blew it (and not in a good way).
What sets Stewart apart, aside from his tremendous mainstream popularity, is that his humor conveys a deeply-rooted sense of personal outrage at anti-gay policies, laws, and attitudes. He doesn’t, like Maher, support gay civil rights as part of an overall libertarian or progressive political ideology, but because, as he told conservative pundit Bill Bennett in what may be the greatest interview of Stewart’s career, gay equality is part of “the natural progression of the human condition” because “every gay person [is] someone’s son or daughter.” And in Stewart’s mind, apparently, you just don’t treat your kids like that.
Has both video clips and discussion of the clips.
when a relatively unknown political humorist named Jon Stewart
Wrong, wrong, and wrong. They got the name right, though.
Yay, Matt. Is your commute going to be any better?
Oh yeah... it'll now be about 7 minutes instead of 85. Basically, I'll be as close to my office as it's possible to live without being in the crappy HUD apartments on the north side of town.
Oh yeah... it'll now be about 7 minutes instead of 85.
That is an awesome improvement.
Sue, congratulations on the new job! Any monkey-handing involved?
I should get your spare key back to you - when would be a good time?
Sue, congratulations on the new job! Any monkey-handing involved?
Thanks! Hmmm, no monkeys that i know about.
I should get your spare key back to you - when would be a good time?
Um, I don't know. Maybe we should plan some celebratory drinks.
ita, I have no advance directive for me (which is my goal for next year -- advance directive and a will -- not because I own anything but for custody issues) but I had one in place for Grace at some point. Advance directives are rough because it's all about if/then and thinking through possibilities to their fullest extreme.
The Mayo Clinic has a great and thorough walking through of things to consider before you write an advanced directive: [link]
I just taught a great writing activity. I love teaching so much when I don't have to do the bureaucratic crap, when I swoop in, teach a lesson and then go on. It's what I love most about my job.