I fucking hate flagyl.
Anyway, I hope Noah's able to do without the extra oxygen soon, but glad he's still got that option while the air quality is the suckiest.
Worst air quality I've experienced was Prague in the spring. Inversions caused all the smog to get stuck in the valley and it hurt to inhale and you'd get all dizzy. You'd see people walking around with unlit cigarettes, using the filters. Oh & your clothes all got this grey film. Blech.
Interesting. Tamarind have always had this foul savory/salty aftertaste I hated it. Passionfruit on the other hand is great.
Had Liefeld illustrated V for Vendetta (for instance), the plot wouldn't have been nearly as disturbing as all the characters' missing hands and feet.
That is a verrry disturbing story.
Our friend from Germany-who is in town right now-asked for something called a gin lime last night. It sounded like a gimlet. It is not, in fact, like a gimlet.
Could you substitute Rose's? like in a gimlet?
oh, lord! you might as well have suggested that you add cilantro! :)
I always heard the Zoot suit thing as having neat pleats.
"Reet pleat" is the proper phraseology. This is confirmed by both Malcom X and Tom and Jerry.
PBS just ran a promo for a show called Wild tonight at 10. I think they made it for billytea. It's called "Penguin Invasion" and seems to be about penguins ...invading a town. For real.
It's called "Penguin Invasion" and seems to be about penguins ...invading a town. For real.
I skimmed reading that and thought you were talking about feral penguins. That would rock.
Or waddle.
I want to see penguins invading. All I can find is giant crocodiles.
A friend of mine got a second cat a few weeks ago, and since then her two cats have not gotten along. So I may be getting a cat. It's not hairless; in fact, it has rather long fur. But it's a very pretty kitty, and very sweet and affectionate (to humans, anyway).
blue penguins are known to invade homes in NZ. Or you know, places under steps etc in homes. Then they nest there and are an adorable nuisance.