Lee, I'm glad it's brightening your day! I uploaded another one [link] but you'll need the sound card to hear the little sneeze at the end.
Me, I'm sick at home again. Have been home sick all week, trying to sleep off the ick so I can work, but to no avail. Back to bed.
I would like to go home. Someone write me a note.
That sucks, lori. I hope you feel better soon.
Poor sick Lori!
I would like to go home, too.
Noah is adorable. I love the way babies laugh.
1. Sue, congrats!
2. Lori, of the suck.
3. A wee human in training! Babies make me have the dumbest epiphanies, but since they include cute babies I don't sweat it too much.
4. I need to clear my head well enough to be coherent in a work con call in ten minutes.
An awesome photo from airliners.com: [link]
Those guys get plenty of legroom when they fly....
The associate across the hall just kind of implied that the fact that I couldn't get a lower court opinion issued within the last week from the FRIGGING BAHAMAS meant I wasn't very good at my job.
I vote you steal his/her credit card, buy yourself a ticket to the Bahamas with it, and send him his lower court opinion from the beach.
ita and lori feel better.
Sue, congratulations on the new job! Don't do all that old job work... it's not like they'll fire you.