Happy birthday, Brenda!
Wait, so according to Trudy I'm not allowed to have a fishing cat OR the super-cool skull memento mori watch? I disagree with both of those rulings.
I did not click ita's link. I did not read the whitefont. See, I am the sensible one amongst you people. So obviously I can be trusted with a giant cat as a pet and an antique skull watch as an accessory. Obviously.
Okay. I've finished grading all the written tests, engineering drawings, and animations. All I have left is the architectural drawings and essays. Stamina-ma, please?
antidote to rage and to ita's links: video of Noah playing and giggling [link]
Oh, Allyson, so sorry. Is there some sort of social services advocate you could get involved?
I did not click ita's link. I did not read the whitefont. See, I am the sensible one amongst you people. So obviously I can be trusted with a giant cat as a pet and an antique skull watch as an accessory. Obviously.
Can you be trusted to not set buckets of water on fire?
My school uses a different grading scale than I'm used to, and it's giving me angst. Dammit, I want to give him an 80, but not a C!
I told her sister she needs to help her file for state disability, so at least she'd have medicaid. Then I backed away.
There's no way I can "watch" her sister. I can't.
The whole episode has made me even more grateful for my family and friends.
Allyson, I don't know if you're getting into this in your new work, but this community of neighbors feels kind of like a family to me -- the connection isn't really chosen, but it's really hard to get away from!
Yeah, I would almost definitely do what Robin is suggesting, Allyson. Suicide threats are not to be taken lightly, nor dealt with by friends and acquaintances. Professional help is required.
lori, that video is awesome, and yes, I feel the little ball of rage settling nicely into my belly. I bookmarked it for future use. I love the bit where the music ends and he's all, hey, hey! with the vocalizing. And then he starts it up again and looks completely startled, then delighted, by this unexpected turn of events.
I was thinking about you and your neighbors and your project, Allyson, this morning during television yoga (am I supposed to be focusing during that? 'Cause I totally don't.). And I was wondering if the line is specific to neighborliness. Do you think it's possible for one of your neighbors to develop a relationship with you that would be within your bounds? Like, a superfabulous Polgara style person moved in near you; would you specifically choose not to develop a closer relationship with them because they were a neighbor and fell in a different set? Or does it just depend on the individual?
'Cause I think I might draw boundaries just because of the proximity factor. I need my personal space, friendly and nice and interesting neighbor people.