Manliness quiz (from Popular Mechanics) - how many of these can you do?
t rolls eyes
t waits for Femininity Quiz, which will no doubt contain items like "Can you curl your own hair?", "Can you give yourself a manicure?", and "Do you know where to find the best sales?"
1. Patch a radiator hose - Never done that
2. Protect your computer - Done that
3. Rescue a boater who has capsized - Never done that
4. Frame a wall - Never done that
5. Retouch digital photos - Done that
6. Back up a trailer - Done that
7. Build a campfire - Done that
8. Fix a dead outlet - Done that
9. Navigate with a map and compass - Does in a car count?
10. Use a torque wrench - Done that
11. Sharpen a knife - Done that
12. Perform CPR - Do dummies count? Probably not.
13. Fillet a fish - Never done that
14. Maneuver a car out of a skid - Done that
15. Get a car unstuck - Done that
16. Back up data - Done that
17. Paint a room - Done that
18. Mix concrete - Done that
19. Clean a bolt-action rifle - Never done that
20. Change oil and filter - Done that
21. Hook up an HDTV - Never done that. Does surround sound count?
22. Bleed brakes - Never done that
23. Paddle a canoe - Done that
24. Fix a bike flat - Done that
25. Extend your wireless network - Never done that. Well other peoples so I'll count it.
If I count the surround sound and discount dummies then I'm 18/25. Does that make me manly? I dunno it seems irrelevant. Living up to your commitments and responsibilities is what makes you a man.
Living up to your commitments and responsibilities is what makes you a man.
Er, or a good person regardless of gender.
Living up to your commitments and responsibilities is what makes you a man.
What if you don't have any?
I'm still stuck on #5. I thought real men still used film.
I'm still stuck on #5. I thought real men still used film.
It's a little sad when a skill becomes obsolete, and a person who's mastered said skill switches from "manly-man" to "hobbyist" or "geek."
Have people heard this quote?
...Glenn Beck, who told his listeners, "I think there is a handful of people who hate America. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are losing their homes in a forest fire today."
What if you don't have any?
Everybody has commitments and responsibilities.
The manliness quiz is things everyone should know how to do, really.
Change a flat, yes. Clean a bolt-action rifle? I don't think I need to know how to do that.