My new dilemma: Flu vaccine or not?
I'm getting one because I work in Germy McGermville and Employee Health is giving them out free to all the staff, and would get one anyway before going home to see my mom, whose chemo isn't that far behind her. So I'd definitely get one in your shoes.
They shall take away my two spaces after a period when they pry them from my cold, dead keyboard.
I'll do global find-and-replace when necessary to conform to a house style, but I think two spaces looks better even with proportional fonts. And I figure it's late days to break the habit of pounding the space bar twice after a period.
Yikes, Jesse!
Oh, for me, yes. No big deal. But flu vaccine for Noah? Yes or no? Isn't there some sort of big scary Autism correlation?
Smell and attraction.
I love those articles because my first BF had a ridiculously notable (but not at all bad) smell, and he was attractive way out of proportion to any of his other obvious characteristics. Just about every single woman that met him veered in his direction, some not even going away when they saw me.
The article links to reports that women prefer "manly" men smells, and men may prefer the smell of ovulating women which makes me wonder how sentient we really are.
I know I can find scents sufficiently distracting that I have to change and shower to get even a pleasant male smell off me. But I can't really identify women that way, except for my mother.
Because we discussed it here not to long ago- Commentary about Ellen and Animal Rescue.
ETA: [link]
I am twelve.
I was looking at an article about the King Tut exhibit going to the Dallas Museum of Art. Their website made me blink, think "Well, they are Texans," then look again.
Museum o' Fart
Kat, this is what the cdc says: [link]
That's...unfortunate. It is a pretty good museum though.
Aside from the whole "vaccines have not been scientifically shown to correlate with autism" thing, they have thimerisol-free flu shots, which are standard at my Peds. For Noah, if it's not counter-indicated by anything else, definitely. (It's for 6 months and older, but I'm not sure how they count the 6 months with preemies? Where is he in routine immunizations?)
“Gentlemen, I have looked at your proposal, and it’s pure bullshit! Now you’ve had your meeting! Get out!”
If she really said this, I'm going to have to revise my vote for her from Holding My Nose to Punching The Little Punch-Hole With Wild Abandon And A Gleeful Grin.
My neighbor just called to tell me that Sarah, my neighbor with the Lyme disease was just taken to the hospital. She can't walk, and she keeps twitching. Strange disease.