That's got to be a Sign of Something Wrong. Now, the question is, is it about the specific job, or working in general. Because if it's the first, presumably I could do something about it. If it's the second, I need to get a grip on reality.
I am supposed to be on vacation for this week and I can't destress from all the craziness that happened last week at work. It is not good. Sometimes I worry that staying in the job I have for so long has ruined me for working.
I just hired someone to cut down the one tree in my backyard. I feel incredibly guilty about it, but it's way too close to the house. Besides, it was not much more money to cut it down than to prune it, and he said I'd have to be pruning it every year or two.
lunch was grilled cheese with tomato and bacon for me, and Batman chicken noodle soup for mac (his first chicken noodle soup).
bon bon is a semi-supertaster, right? hates the cilantro?
Ali on Fox game show would actually get me to watch Fox - too bad they are stoopidheads and didn't cast you.
I think I would be a semi-borning millionaire at this point. Pay off debt, set up college fund, retirement fund, then buy real estate.
Sue, can you plant another one further out in the yard?
So long as you bought interesting real estate, msbelle, your list is still good. I mean, just look at Harlan Ellison.
Cilantro is nasty.
I don't know how the supertasting thing came up, but the genetic inability to taste cilantro is not correlated. I luv cilantro.
Cash, I totally meant to come back and tell you about the Whovian ring tones. But that looks sorted.
No longer teaching krav on Saturdays. A quick summation of my Matilda year would be me giving up things I thought required for my sanity. Also, possibly, my sanity. Jury's out.
Chugging kefir because it settles down my stomach. At least I've mostly worked out what sets it off-something in my morning pills
lying down. Which I kinda have to do at the acupuncturist. But whatever he did has made my cold feel a lot less bad, so if the downside is 45 minutes of unhappy stomach and some nice kefir (which I
cannot pronounce), I guess it's fair.
I am going to call a complaining moratorium on my posts. Uh, after this one.
I would be a semi-borning millionaire at this point. Pay off debt, set up college fund, retirement fund, then buy real estate.
I could do all of those except the real estate one. The market's so weird that I'm not sure what I'd buy if I suddenly could.
Okay, off for more Damian Lewis. Who is indeed quite Mr. Grey so far on Life.
Sue, can you plant another one further out in the yard?
That's the plan. The arborist who was here, suggested planting Hemlocks along the fence to block out traffic noise. I don't think I'll be planting anything until the spring.
ita, I hope you don't have a migraine, because I have one that's big enough for two. I've been assaulting it with drugs, though, and I think it might be retreating. *Maybe.*
I'm running around making people refer to me as Milton Morlock Waddams.
Last night, as we were drifting off to sleep, I told The Boy about Shrift's move to sub-basement 3, and assorted Morlocks, C.H.U.D.s, and Sewer Urchin. I think he fell asleep during my litany, because this morning he asked me, "Were you talking about Morlocks last night? And....WHY?!?"