I need to get dressed, run a couple of errands and go pick up my friend for the football game this afternoon.
I'm kind of excited, because while yeah, it's the Cowboys, and I'm not a fan. They're having a good season and have had some interesting games. I haven't been to a live game since before Katrina and I'm looking forward to all the noise and crowd and smell. Plus, it's waaaaay to gorgeous outside to be in a dark smoky bar watching the game.
My friend just broke up with his boyfriend, so he had an extra ticket his law firm gave him, so they should be pretty good seats.
Yay football!
Feeling the envy, DJ. It's a fucking gorgeous day here too.
Sushi Fish must be Fresh
Video. This is rather gross. Sushi in a restaurant that's so fresh it's not quite dead yet....
Thanks, Robin and DJ.
I'm doing a months' worth of laundry. It might be easier to just go buy new clothes and underwear.
The guy was attending a friend's birthday party there. He introduced us to her and she was very nice and invited us to join her party (which we couldn't because we had movie tickets). Who was this friend? Melanie Mayron! Yes, Melissa from Thirtysomething! I LOVED that show and was all googly inside.
Robin, that's so cool! My little brother had a crush on her when he was 12 or so.
Zen, much ~ma.
Sushi in a restaurant that's so fresh it's not quite dead yet....
Welcome to the Hump. It's fun watching people be served live fish or lobster.
I believe as a customer I shouldn't also have to serve the role of exterminator.
Sushi in a restaurant that's so fresh it's not quite dead yet....
So wait, divesting the sushi of its exoskeleton and/or scales, and applying a very sharp knife to its guts (I don't care what creature it is, I can't imagine it's sanitary to eat anybody's raw guts), is not enough to kill it? I... unless the sushi in question is made out of
I'm unclear on how it can be served as, you know, bite-sized pieces.
(And really, a live minnow ontop of a mound of sushi rice -- now I am having grand fantasies of chasing your dinner all around the table, as it attempts to flop its way free and back into some body of water, possibly your water glass. Cheap entertainment!!)
Noah, K and I are going to see an exhibit at a museum called "Noah's Ark." Is it to thematic to dress him in his onesie that says, "The animals went in two by two?"