I didn't go to work?
Uhg, Devi has some sort of digestive issue. She's acting normal and hasn't puked since last night, but...uhg. I'll call the vet tomorrow if it doesn't seem to be clearing up, as it hasn't even been 24 hours yet. Otherwise, I'd have to wait until monday and that's just a little too long if it's not going away, I think. Damnit, she's my 100% healthy cat, no fair!
It depends a bit on the type of book, but mostly I find other people's annotations invasive and annoying. It's just me and the book/author--I don't want that relationship turned into a threesome.
Maybe you should've tried the king-sized Twix, flea?
My favorite(?) was a Jane-Austen-as-detective mystery written in the style of JA where someone had written "Jane Austen is rolling over in her grave" in the margin. All I could think was "Not as much as she probably is at you writing in a library book"!
In college, I always had trouble buying used books, because I find it nearly impossible to read the un-highlighted text if it has been highlighted. Part of why I basically stopped highlighting myself. Also because I was always highlighting things in bold, and you know what? You can already tell those things are important!
Also, I just got good work news which makes me want to leave for the day. Would anyone notice? Probably not.
Also, I just got good work news which makes me want to leave for the day. Would anyone notice? Probably not.
You should point and exclaim, "Ooh - what's that interesting thing over there?" Then run away in the opposite direction.
I never really highlighted things in texts. I did underline. I also noticed that a lot of my classmates seemed to highlight without any thought behind it, as though somehow the magic power of yellow would make them remember everything.
Oh god, I read a mystery last night where Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy were detectives. It was so distressing. It was written okay, but the characterizations we so wrong, and the plot way over the top, and the historical anachronisms...
I did not write in the margins, though.
(I've written 1 paragraph!)
You should point and exclaim, "Ooh - what's that interesting thing over there?" Then run away in the opposite direction.
Ha! I don't even need to do that. There's seriously no one in my chain of command in the office. My minion, boss, and boss's boss are all out of the office, and that's it. Four out of six senior managers are out. Half of my department is out.
somehow the magic power of yellow would make them remember everything.
I love this. So true. If you highlight everything, what's the point?