jesse - received - thanks
it seems most people in my office think something is going on with the co-workers I described. It is a m/f situation, both have spouses, but apparently (I hadn't noticed), their last 2 days off coincided. Lots of raised eyebrows today when people realized they were both out. I don't think so. Both are otherwise attached. But how are you gonna behave in such a way that over half the office thinks something is going on.
Yeah, that sounds potentially shady.... I have a coworker here who has been out of the office at the same time as me (one week vacation, one couple of days out), but we're not even friends, so it was just a funny joke that we were somewhere together.
I'm afraid my Jo is too weak and possibly too old for that (at 13).
Just back from meetings too clustered around the middle of the day.
Jo isn't necessarily too old -- Teddy will be 14 next month. Lack of health problems (obviously, other than kidney disease) is necessary.
Several places do the transplants, including California (which I assume means Berkeley) and N.C. State.
All this hummus talk makes me wonder who is ascending.
I feel like descending... into nappy time....
So that's how attacking with hummus works.
Eta: good luck with the figuring out, Sue!
One of my cow-orkers sent me an email offering to help with a project I'm racing to complete. This was my response:
Can you help me figure out why someone would think that replacing existing dates in a case study with 2007 constitutes "updating"?
Seriously, people. WTF? I asked this guy on one of our accounts to update a document with
what we've done since this piece was written,
not make it look like did it all this year.
(Which, incidentally, makes us look like a bunch of idiots who sat on the project for 7 years before we "established baseline data WRT energy consumption and water usage", something we actually did in 2000 when we got the freaking contract, Nimrod.)
That is a truly impressive lack of clue.
I hate being sick, but not sick enough to not come into work. feh. And then even when I get home I won't be able to take meds until after DH gets back from work. By tonight, I'll be a huge snot monster, but other than that I guess it's not so bad.
My boss's dog has figured out that since I can't reach all of her to pet her when I'm sitting, she can move around to control where I pet/scratch her. Usually she will slowly turn in a tight circle, allowing me to eventually pet/scratch her head, neck and entire back.