But it cuts both ways. She could just as well publicize (even inadvertently) their breakage of their own rules, either in the normal course of business of for celebrities. Then they look bad. Viewed from that perspective, I"m not very sympathetic with Ellen.
Oh, she was taking the responsibility for it -- she was upset because what she did lost the kids their dog.
One of the scariest things that ever happened to me was being in a box between four semis and unable to get out. Since no one was letting me out, I became convinced they couldn't see me. I leaned on the horn for what felt like
until one of the guys on the side finally let me out.
My heart still gets a little tippy just typing that.
I'm glad this is being, so far, a mild headcold. But the sneezing! OMG THE SNEEZING and NEEDING TO SNEEZE! Driving me batshit.
This is the first time I've braved a cold without my blue sudafed (fuck you methmakers and overzealous reactionary legislators) and at least it isn't too bad. Yet. (Repeat my FU to the respective parties. I WANT MY BLUE SUDAFED.)
I am a really aggressive driver. just as well for all that I live in NYC without a car.
work story. 2 employees - they work in different departments, their work does not require them to work together very much, certainly not daily. They eat lunch together everyday, IM pretty much constantly, stop by each others desks for chats min. of 5 times a day for 10-20 min at times. weird? friends? no big?
One of my neighbors just gave me a present. It's my book, hard bound in leather with the title and my name embossed in silver on the spine.
It's just so fucking thoughtful.
One of my neighbors just gave me a present. It's my book, hard bound in leather with the title and my name embossed in silver on the spine.
That's awesome. Our publisher for the Bubblegum book had two hardbound copies made for me and Kim and it was very cool.
I took a look at the 220 posts that happened since this morning and figured someone dropped a hot button topic. As a Virginia resident I think the law was created by people who have other people to drive and fly them around. They'll never be in danger of being hit with it.
EDIT: And the room goes silent...aw crap
Wow, paperdol, how wonderful!