My comcast episode description said something about Jamie Oliver driving the reasonably priced car in last week's episode - - did that happen? Did they just decide to not show it? You know, so they could show more footage of them re-surfacing that road?
That road re-surfacing was deadly! I think they cut the Jamie Oliver piece in the American broadcast. He was credited, as was some other celebrity that escapes me.
Interrupting Top Gear (which I love!) talk for this quick work rant:
This is the last (I'm probably lying) time I'm going to say this. I do not know who called you. I'm not running down a list of everyone who works here, and I am not a professional sketch artist, such that if you describe their features to me, I will know who you mean. Everyone speaks Spanish, everyone teaches the classes, all of one person's cases are not transferred to someone else if they are out (That would be exceedingly stupid because, who would they work with when they got back? They're not just handling 6 or 7 cases at a time. Actively it's more than 70, but that's before we include the people who will decide that even though they haven't talked with us in over a year, suddenly they've spotted the house of their dreams so the counselor needs to dig out their file and get to work on it). I will not walk from office to office to ask everyone if they called you, and no we don't have an intercom.
Thank you.
What I hate are people who slow down abruptly and then turn on their turn signals. I think, "Oh, you're turning. *Now* I know why everything I own is on the floor of the truck."
The right-passing driver I hate is the one who chooses to pass on the right when there are wide-open lanes on my left. And I'm a good 10 or so above the limit.
I drive slow, but I drive on the right. Which still didn't stop some ass from coming up behind me *in the far RIGHT lane* and flashing his lights at me. What was I supposed to do, pull off onto the shoulder?
You know that both of these situations is because people think they are less likely to get stopped for speeding on the right, right?
That is why I hate passing on the right. Sometimes you don't really have an option, but don't just habitually fly down the right lane.
This is why I love CT with its frequent signs reminding people what each lane is for.
My father hated driving with trucks so I have an unnatural fondness for the Merritt based on childhood drives with him. That, and Johnny Cash.
What I hate are people who slow down abruptly and then turn on their turn signals
Or they're halfway into the other lane before the signal goes on. "See? I did so signal!"
megan, you love the Merritt because of Johnny Cash? I mean, I love them both, but I never knew there was a connection...
I know it's rude and wrong, but I pass people like that on the right.
This is not rude and wrong. This is regrettable but necessary. I will wait for a good five minutes, with no other traffic on the road, for the 10-miles-under driver to get into the right lane, but eventually you just have to bite the bullet and pass him on the right. Which always feels wrong -- I have this sense as though something bad might happen -- but has to be done. Otherwise you're just trapped! For no reason! Argh!
Off I go to faculty meeting. "Yay!"
Is everyone here very stoned?
I love Johnny Cash because that was one of the few 8-tracks we owned and played in the car on long drives.
I know it's rude and wrong
It only really chaps my ass if there are more than 2 lanes and people insist on passing on the right when there isn't ANYONE on the left, especially if they do so after zooming up on you from behind. I mind it less if there's a line of traffic on the left and noone on the right. I haven't been able to figure out if the former is a power thing, a clueless thing, or they think by going on the right they are less likely to get pulled over (if that's the case, it seems to kind of logic that is psycho).
And on review, I guess I'm not only one since I missed this post:
The right-passing driver I hate is the one who chooses to pass on the right when there are wide-open lanes on my left. And I'm a good 10 or so above the limit.
Kyle Chandler in the November issue of Instyle:
I can't go anywhere without pomade for my hair. I always keep one in my back pocket.