Yeah, and before Videogames there was Hawaii 5-0 to blame it on. There is a certain percentage of the population who becomes assholes behind the wheel regardless of personality under other circumstances.
Incidentally I have a question about the study where x percentage of driver violate the speed limit. Does the percentage change as the speed limit increases? I have 55 mph highways and 75 mph within a few miles of each other. And it looks to me like every time I move from the 55 mph segment to the 75 mph segment, all the people who were going 75 mph in the 55 mph zone speed up some more when they enter the 75 mph zone.
Rt 128 in MA is also more dangerous because it was built on the cheap (governor's non-civil-engineer brother in charge) and in most cases the acceleration lane for merging traffic is ALSO the deceleration lane for outgoing traffic, all like in 150 feet of highway posted at 55 MPH and running up to 75 MPH in practice.
standing on the corner on my narrow, residential, one-way street watching someone going too fast the wrong way. In reverse.
Had this this morning, except the road is a narrow two-lane with parking on either side. Oh, and it's a hill with a 25% grade. Oh, and it was a DUMPTRUCK.
There's a bridge from DC to Alexandria where you can find yourself having to cross all 4 lanes of traffic in the brief span it takes to cross to the Potomac, if you're coming from DC and going S in VA.
Also, in CT they have this lovely rural highway (the Merritt Parkway) that everyone flies along (because they're all driving beemers and saabs) and it basically has no on-ramps, plus is hilly and tree-y. It's still a beautiful drive, but getting on is terrifying.
In that same vein. Fewer signs make streets safer. [link]
I was shocked that nobody pulled over until the last possible minute for an ambulance.
I got yelled at for doing that (edit: pulling over at all) in Houston a while back. Apparently there, you aren't supposed to. Beats me.
Rt 128 in MA is also more dangerous because it was built on the cheap (governor's non-civil-engineer brother in charge)
Why does this suprise not one bit?
Why does this surprise not one bit?
According to my roommate, who grew up here, the bad design and execution displayed led to a Boston Globe editorial about why nobody ever complains about competent nepotism.
Bumper sticker: "Using your turn signal is not giving information to the enemy"
I so want this. You know, if I owned a car.
You could put it on your butt.