I love the Rita Moreno ep from S1 of the Muppet Show
Me too! I also loved how you described it.
I have a very vague memory from the episode with Christopher Reeve (sp?). Again, I was a toddler when I saw it, had no idea who he was, who Superman was, nothing. He was just a man standing there with all those lovely muppets. But I remember a moment, he had to change his clothes for going on stage, and he just went behind a door (I have no idea if they had a phone booth there, if it had been the dressing room, whatever - all I remember is that he was gone behind a door), and then emerged a second later, all in a suit and dressed-up nicely.
I had no idea about the whole "Kent changes his clothes to become Superman", how quickly and without-everybody-seeing-it-ly it's done. I figured these things later, based on that short minute that stayed in my head from "the muppet show". But it impressed me enough to remember it, in and of itself, among all those muppets and craziness and miss Piggy and my beloved Kermit. So I guess there was something about it, after all.
I guess I could go youtube-hunting for that scene. But I kinda don't wanna, especially now that I have a chance to see it pop on my tv screen as a surprise (due to some copyrights issue or other, they re-run the episodes in an almost completely random order here). I wonder how it resembles the very clear and yet minimal image I have in my mind.
There's only six! Of course, most of them have frakking long names that are hard to spell.
I still missed two on that states quiz.
I think my favorite Muppet moment ever is from "Sesame Street." And YouTube has it!! It's seriously adorable, and shows how the kids (well, and everyone else, too!) completely interacted with the Muppets as beings in their own right.
Kathy, I knew even before clicking what that would be.
It's a classic, that's for sure!
friggin Wisconsin.
Happy Birthdays all the weekend Birthday havers!!!
My lunch was yummy (turkey & cheddar & arugula wrap) but it didn't take! I could have had like 3 of them. I think my body has gotten used to some very unhealthy eating lately. Yesterday it was bbq sandwich w/ apple butter bbq sauce and cider donuts (from a pumpkin patch) and then hot dog and fries at the rollerderby championship. And pink lemonade. Not a single vegetable!
I am discomforted by that Swedish Chef bit. Muppets don't swear.
I wish I could watch youtubes on this computer.
The Israeli "Sesame Street" is probably quite different from the original, what with all the dubbing and the different holidays and cultures and all. I don't think I ever saw a non-Israeli "Sesame Street" scene from "Sesame Street". Hmm.
Do you at least have a good theme song for Sesame Street, Nilly?
Sunny day
Sweepin' the clouds away
On my way
To where the air is sweet
Can you tell me how to get
How to get to Sesame Street?