they start to rev up at about the point in the evening when non-ADD people are unwinding and slowing down.
This is totally me. I just start to wake up around 9 pm, and it's not unusual for me to start housework at 11pm. And mornings are hell on earth.
I have never been diagnosed with ADD, I just blame it on The Man making me come to work at a time when my body wants to be sleeping.
My favorite Muppet from The Muppet Show remains the Swedish Chef (another example of Frank Oz and Jim Henson working in tandem on the same muppet, just like Rowlf). "Bork Bork Bork!!"
Dude, I *adore* Sam the Eagle, because of his stiff self-righteousness. And of course Statler and Waldorf.
You guys are naming all my favourite muppets.
It's a chicken-and-the-egg issue, actually: it's fairly common for people with ADD to be night owls. Not due to distractions, or running out of time to do stuff; circadian-wise, they start to rev up at about the point in the evening when non-ADD people are unwinding and slowing down.
Actually, I don't think that is the case with him. And, quite frankly, even it was, I still don't think it is a good idea to let your 10-year-old watch TV in the middle of night.
Quiz: 2 min 35 seconds
I have my Animal magnet here at work--he's looking at me right now. I love the Rita Moreno ep from S1 of the Muppet Show, when Rita's singing "Fever," and he keeps going into wild riffs in the middle of her sultry smooth jazz beats, and she goes over to him, says a lot of Spanish to him, and concludes with "Cool it," and he just blinks at her with his big furry black eyelashes, and goes into another extended riff at the next opportunity. She ends the segment by smashing his head with some cymbals.
My favorite Muppet from The Muppet Show remains the Swedish Chef (another example of Frank Oz and Jim Henson working in tandem on the same muppet, just like Rowlf). "Bork Bork Bork!!"
Oh, goodness, he's hilarious. Even just seeing the hands surprised by the head who is surprised by the hands and all back again, without anything special going on, and yet they're still coordinated in a, well, not "crazy", but definitely unique, way? Hilarious. And that's before he actually even does anything!
I *adore* Sam the Eagle, because of his stiff self-righteousness.
Yup! And when he's with Rowlf, it's even better, because nothing bothers Rowlf.
My father is a wake-up-and-go-to-sleep-with-the-sun sort of person, and it forever puzzled him that my mom is such a night owl. All of us took somehow after her in one form or another (though I absolutely love getting up really really early in the morning, and experience the change in the air and light when the sun rises), and he's constantly amazed that we love to stay up late and become active then.
4 min 23 seconds because I can't freaking spell and I kept thinking it hadn't picked up West Virginia.
I always start with the south, go north, go west and then go up the east coast.
Oh, and I'm blaming my 3:30 states quiz result on my still learning to type with these acrylic nails, otherwise I could have gotten them all in in less than two minutes and in alphabetical order (my job deals with lots of states' lists, so I know them in order, sad to say).
I'm not sure I've ever successfully named every state in New England.
In 6th grade, we had to fill in a blank map of the states every Friday until we scored 100. Some kids were taking it all year.
I'm not sure I've ever successfully named every state in New England.
There's only six! Of course, most of them have frakking long names that are hard to spell.