billytea! I love your tagline:
Geography, my old nemesis! Wait, that's gravity. I like geography, that's where they keep all the cool stuff.
[Edit: Trudy! I remember that! And I wasn't even trying very hard to get through. Once you tried to get home on a crowded bus full of soldiers on evening before the weekend, or get back right after a weekend is over, almost any other crowded place is easy. I mean, the lack of backpacks that could swallow me whole alone is a huge difference.]
And hardly anybody on the ESB was armed!
The most dangerous weapon of soldiers on the way home for the weekend is a huge backpack full of dirty laundry, anyway. Even when they carry their guns.
billytea! I love your tagline:
Hee. Well, thank you. (It's not entirely true, gravity is my brother's nemesis, but still.)
The most dangerous weapon of soldiers on the way home for the weekend is a huge backpack full of dirty laundry, anyway. Even when they carry their guns.
Oh dear. And I thought that backpacks big enough to swallow you whole was an idle threat.
We were at the top of the Empire State Building and it was crowded. I offered to push our way to the front (for Nilly is wee and Nilly is sweet and I am a New Yorker and neither) and she said "Oh please, I'm Israeli" and yanked me through to the front
HA! This is so in keeping with my experience at the school.
Also, how cool is it that right now we're having a conversation from two coasts of the US, Israel, and Australia? Yay internets!
ETA: Also, yay bed. I just realized what time it was. I've been working for the last seven hours, and I think I'm done.
And I thought that backpacks big enough to swallow you whole was an idle threat.
Never ever try to stand between a tired hungry dirty miserable home-sick Israeli soldier after 3 weeks of not-being-at-home, and between his mommy. Or at least her food. Never.
Also, how cool is it that right now we're having a conversation from two coasts of the US, Israel, and Australia? Yay internets!
I was just thinking that, too!
Also, how cool is it that right now we're having a conversation from two coasts of the US, Israel, and Australia? Yay internets!
It's intercontinentastic!
Whee! I feel the intercontinental love.
I went to a cupcake party! And met people! And saw a big troll! On Troll Street! (It goes under a big bridge. And there is a big enormous troll statue under it. Crushing a VW Bug with its hand. And the street is named after it! How cool is that?)
Billy, insent to your profile addy.