Tom! You even knew to take into account the daylight savings time! Which is a good thing, because without it, it would be an hour later, so yay one more hour.
I don't know, um, should I write "if" or "when"? Either one. I don't know which one of them will come into play regarding my going-to-sleep tonight. Each year I try to make sure I get the data for that grant report on time, and each year people end up being late, if sending me any at all.
Lee, I didn't read the whole article in your link, but it already seems so strange to me - isn't there anything they can do before taking such measures? Wow.
[Edit: thanks, Jesse! I didn't so much plan for it, as made-sure-I-have-enough-chocolate for it, but I hoped I'd get all the info over the weekend. No such luck. Oh, well.]
I mean, WTF.
Seriously. Don't they have something better to do with their time?
The thing is, if only one of them were late, it would be not-so-difficult to integrate their data with everybody else's. But *everybody* thinks "well, fine, I'll be the last person", and then, well, not so much with the easy insert and minor changes.
Um, remember when I said that the whine tag doesn't close tonight? Well, it really doesn't.
That is just the worst. People always do that shit to me, and then I get in trouble with my boss for not giving her enough time to review the draft, but it's not me! It's all those other jokers!
That does suck, Nilly. maybe next year tell them it's due a week before it really is?
AM bored.
Wanna write my abstract for me? It's only one page. I'll even make it easier for you and write the Hebrew one, so yours will be in English. How about that?
it's not me! It's all those other jokers!
Well, considering how the other jokers are the ones who are supposed to review the draft (Which, um, is supposed to be handed in tomorrow morning), I don't think they'll feel comfortable complaining about that.
Which, um, only stresses me more, because it means that nobody will catch my mistakes (and I'm human and sleep-deprived, so I'm way too prone to mistakes). Sigh.
[Edit: Lee, the deadline is always the 15th of October. It's in the instructions. Too late to change that now.]
Sorry, Nilly, I'd be useless with an abstract.
I just pulled out my winter clothes. None of my pants fit. AM FAT. And weirdly misshapen now.
The snot is massing.
I'm sorry, It looks like 5-7 days of listening to me whine about a cold.