put the Type O Negative cover up later. Please. I think I need it for my guilty pleasures playlist.
What have you done in the last year while Matilda went from born to one?
Went through multiple re-orgs and job angst. Lost 10lbs. Got a fantastic literary agent and put together a book proposal. Went to concerts, and very briefly met one of my favorite bands. Went to a giant gothy-goth event and played dress-up for a weekend.
I also lost 10 lbs! Even though there is no TRY am trying to get my ass back in gear to lose more/get in better shape.
And what would Yoda say about this sentence, Kathy? Hmmm?
::picture Bill the Cat instead of me saying this::
::oh, and "AAAACK!!"::
Am trying to start working out again.
And what would Yoda say about this sentence, Kathy? Hmmm?
Not Kathy's mom, Hecubus is.
So, I did all the things on my time-off to-do list, except for the things I really hate doing! Oops.
Wow, I never would have guessed that BigD is named Steve.
Past year? I have no idea, it's all been a blur. We got the house to the livable stage, there's that. And the kids got bigger.
I'm leaving in ten minutes. Everyone wave goodbye to my office.
Bye, office! It was nice having you, with your door and your extra chairs and your keys and your office supplies.
and Suela drove me around tiny Italian towns
Sometimes the wrong direction on one-way streets while Italians stared at us malevolently! I think Lucignano is my most traumatic memory from Italy.
So. What have you done in the last year while Matilda went from born to one?
Went FTE at the Evil Empire. Bought a car.
Umm. Developed a sudden and massive case of Supernatural obsession, dealt with various family illnesses, cut my hair again.
Honestly, not much.