Damn, Daisy. What an obnoxious little prick.
I think he's pissed because he's trying to get us to leave for Houston at 10 am on Wednesday when we'd all agreed to 1pm. He pretty much told the rest of us that was how it's going to be. We're not doing it because it fucks with the hours scheduled, I don't have a ride at 9 am (Jon works Tuesday night), A has a son that she's got plans with, and E has 2 kids that she'd have to pay extra to a sitter for. Plus, he doesn't decide shit for the rest of us. When either boss lady tells us he's in charge, fine. Until then, suck it asshole.
The one job I interviewed for and then said in my thank you note "Um, don't bother considering me", one of the (many) issues was when I saw the office, they had those cubes that only have token walls, and are like, waist high. I was all "Hell no". Cubes are bad enough. Faux cubes are tools of the devil.
You all should have seen the other day when I was in a meeting and the Global CFO of our Fortune 400 company was offering to show some visiting clients her cube.
gets offices here.
It looks like it's going to go into AL or maybe as far as GA, hang a right, and head south back into the Gulf. Circle was an exaggeration--it's not like they're predicting it's coming back to TX at this point or anything. But it's a weird path.
Oh, crap -- I think it might because I need that stupid $100 cable the TV guy was trying to sell me. The cable company cables hook into "YUV" on the TV and I'd need some other kind of cable for "HDMI input." Possibly I have yet to actually watch HDTV.
Global CFO of our Fortune 400 company was offering to show some visiting clients her cube. Nobody gets offices here.
Whaaaaaa?? Dude, that is so wrong. SO wrong.
Jesse, you want for me to come over this weekend and set things up nice for you? You don't need no stinking $100 cable either.
Aw, thanks, Tom! I will let you know if I can't get my shit together.
Global CFO of our Fortune 400 company was offering to show some visiting clients her cube. Nobody gets offices here.
Usually, what happens is the bigwig has a cube, but ends up spending 99% of his or her time in a conference room somewhere.
It's a lovely storm. It's raining! I'm so over this drought. Even the grass at Turner Field looked ratty, and it's grass that's practically watered with champagne and fertilized with caviar.