Someone asked if the Brewers (in 2nd place) also have a magic number, and the traffic reported retorted, "2008. Or 1-800-SAUSAGE."
Heh. After the Mariners' historically awful slump at the end of August knocked them out of contention (sure, we weren't mathematically eliminated until a few days ago, but the writing was on the wall), one of the major M's blogs started displaying 2008 AL West standings. Sigh. Except that they're bringing McLaren back as manager, which I figure means we have to write them off till at least 2009. I bet Ichiro regrets re-signing already. I kinda regret that he's staying. I love to watch him play, but he's such a gifted player and AFAICT decent human being that I wish he could go play somewhere that'll give him a chance at a ring.
I'm going to the game tonight, where I will probably eat a Polish sausage. I can't quite imagine the Sausage of Prague on a bun with mustard and onions.
Man, once again, I am passed over for a genius grant:
Oh that's right. I need to be a genius. They need to develop a grant for the moderately smart that need a break from the rat race to see if they can develop into genius.
Clearly I meant Pilsner Dignity.
All Czechs are crazy, is the conclusion I've made from my totally non-random sampling of Czechs.
My husband has a Polish sausage.
[is 12]
I love the old Bette Midler line: "I married a German boy, a Kraut. Every night I dress up like Poland, and he invades me."
The thing I love about the genius grants is that it alwasy seems like someone I know could win one. Not me though. But that's okay.
All Czechs are crazy, is the conclusion I've made from my totally non-random sampling of Czechs.
The two things I know that the Czechs are famous for are beer and hockey players. There may be a connection here.
Don't forget Billytea's namesake porn mogul!
paperdol, good for you for drawing a line. It's hard, but it's necessary.
They just don't have that paprika dignity of the Czechs.
(I'm so using Pilsner dignity from now on.)
We have dignity? Cool. I thought we were just a bunch of deeply individualistic quarrelsome types, with a tendency to throw people out of windows to prove a point.
Clearly I meant Pilsner Dignity.
All Czechs are crazy, is the conclusion I've made from my totally non-random sampling of Czechs.
I'm sure it will be offensive, but you are kind of right. It is a country with many crazy people. Their "pilsner dignity" kind of encapsulates the problem right there.